Oh no's...who killed Cinnamon?!?!

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cheryl wrote:
...i do sing to Sunshine...'you are my Sunshine my only Sunshine lalala..lala'lol..she just look's at me kinda weird,but i'm sure she likes it to ;)

Though bunnies "frown" (look disapproving) on the outside, you know that Sunshine issmiling when you sing her that song.

My crew sometimes gets soft, sweet melodies; other times, I warp the words of songs to make them applicable and individual. Or I say silly things to them (e.g., to Zoe: "Don't mess with the Zohan"--sincewepronounce her name "Zoh" for short).
omg Moo does the same thing after he eats and well ive knoticed he can eat lol. It scares the **** out of me every time he does his dead bunny flop. I always go "Moo?" and he lifts one of his ears.
Camarie...LOL! That's too cute! I used to do the same to Cinnamon. She's crashes out every single night, after she's eaten about half her food. It's so cute!!
aaaaaaaaw how cute! she is extremely pretty! x
great dbf!
Camarie wrote:
omg Moo does the same thing after he eats and well ive knoticed he can eat lol. It scares the sh*t out of me every time he does his dead bunny flop. I always go "Moo?" and he lifts one of his ears.

I don't know why, but I'm immensely amused at your buns' names: Moo, Boo and Jethro.


BTW, I have to do the same with Pink: say his name as a question to get a single raised ear, thus telling me thathe's still breathing. ;)

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