Nutritional pellet question

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Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2010
Reaction score
California, , USA
My current feed has:
16% protein
3% fat
17% fiber

a book I am reading calls for

Mature rabbits and developing young:
12-15% protein
2-3.5% fat
20-27% fiber

pregnant does and does with litters
16-20% protein
3-5.5% fat
15-20% fiber

I feed all my rabbits unlimited grass (not straight timothy but the grass mixture they sell in bales at the farm store) as well as two cups of assorted green veggies a day). I mix in calf manna at the recommended levels as well as a little cracked corn and oats. People are always telling me how large my rabbits look, and how fast they grow. The Flemish I raise win legs.

I also raise rabbits for commercial purposes and would like to increase grow time. Could changing my feed do this? Would the above percentages for pregnant does and does with litters be better for their health? If so, is there a way to stick to my feed and put in additives such as maybe more corn or grain to get to those levels? How do I calculate those levels? Is it possible that with the calf manna, corn and grain I add that my levels are already higher? How would I calculate that?

I work for Manna Pro which makes Calf Manna, I can get my Nutritionalist to calculate it for you. He is excellent at this stuff!
I will call him tomorrow or you can call Manna Pro direct at 636-681-1700 and ask for Steve Doty or Dr. Rob McCoy
My name is Jim
A reply from a nutritionist at MannaPro

How do you raise your feed 1% of protein, fat and fiber? This is an over simplification, but for example…

Here’s how you increase protein 1% with 25% protein CM. 50# bag x 0.01(1%) = 0.5# protein needed

CM contains 25% protein or 1# CM x 0.25(25%) protein = 0.25# protein

Your feed contains 16% protein. As you add 25% protein, you are subtracting 16% protein.

25% minus 16% = 9% 0.5# protein needed divided by 0.09(9%) protein difference = 5.5# CM

You would have to add 5.5# of CM to a 50# bag of 16% feed to raise the bag 1% in protein.

The over simplification is that if you change one ingredient you change the amounts of all other nutrients. For example, as you add more corn you raise the energy and fat level, but reduce fiber, protein, minerals and vitamins.

Doing formula changes long hand takes a lot of time. Linear computer programs are used to balance formulas quickly.

Our feeds, Pro, Gro and Sho Formulas and Sho Supplement are formulated for top performance – growth, reproduction and appearance.


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