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May 6, 2013
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HI there my name is Sarah, I am a 29 year old vet tech and my mother Janice currently own to utterly wonderful buck rabbits one who is a long eared black named Firdy.
The other being a black Netherland Dwarf

I currently have plans to get another buck in the summer i am hoping to be bringing home a mini rex. All of your colony get lots of atteninson both in and out of thir cages everyday.

We need to probably resitrict there roaming area a lil more in the day since Firdy in particular loves to chew on electeric cords and got in my mom's laptop cord today it had lil sparks coming off it.

Was a lil scared it might have started a fire lucky we took care of the issue with electerical tape before things got out of hand...but we do have foldable play area pens that we can use for the boys when they get their time out of thier separte cages each day so as to not do damage to the house this is probably a very good idea over all.

lol the buns as well as our other animals keep us fairly entertained for the most part. They are certainly a lot of fun to have around. Thumper (Netherland Dwarf) likes more to sit in someone's lap and be cuddled while Firdy likes to roam and get into mischeif quite a bit to say the least.




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Kala83...Hi and welcome to RO! Your buns are cute and it sounds like they keep you on your toes. You could try bunny proofing and then you would not need to use pens for their play time.
Welcome to RO! My name is also Sarah! And Im currently going to school for Pre-Vet :D

I raise tans in Texas. Your buns are super cute! Your black one looks like one of my moms polish! I hope you enjoy this site
I've seen and heard about the stuff you can look into to protect your cords and am very tempted to say the least to try to find something to do that.

lol but we do have the pens out in the garage so ironically it is the easy fix to thier well ok...firdy's mischief as of right now. But since a new bun will be coming home soon bunny proofing might be a very very good idea.

what exactly is the stuff that goes around your cords called. What would I be looking for in particular whe I went to a Home Depo or a store like that is what I am wondering
I've seen and heard about the stuff you can look into to protect your cords and am very tempted to say the least to try to find something to do that.

lol but we do have the pens out in the garage so ironically it is the easy fix to thier well ok...firdy's mischief as of right now. But since a new bun will be coming home soon bunny proofing might be a very very good idea.

what exactly is the stuff that goes around your cords called. What would I be looking for in particular whe I went to a Home Depo or a store like that is what I am wondering

There are a couple kinds you can use to cover electrical cords. There is this black corrugated tubing used to cover wiring in vehicles or electronics. You can get coils of this at auto parts stores or electronics stores.

There there is clear plastic tubing you can buy at home improvement stores. I think it's found in the plumbing section and you buy it by the foot. This kind you would have to hand split down the middle, to fit your cords in it. The stuff at the auto parts store comes already split for you.

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