New cage help?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2010
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Bronx, New York, USA
Last July, my family decided to rescue a rabbit one of my neighbors relations had found abandoned in her cage. She showed them a picture of a cute little black bunny, they said yes, and one week later we got to meet Fat Al, as the bunny was known. We quickly discovered that the rabbit was, in fact, a nine pound bruiser of a bun, and a girl, to top it off. As with every other 'family pet', Chloe quickly went from being shared to being mainly my responsibility (not that I'm complaining).

Chloe and her cage came as a kind of package deal, since that was how she was found, but as I continue to spend 80% of my income at Petco every month, her cage is definitely feeling cramped. I want to get her some new digs, and I have a lot of criteria that needs to be met.

So my question is, what kind of solid floored multi level home can I buy/make/or build that my nine pound princess can't knock over, jump over, or chew through? And it needs to be easily cleaned, as she's an older girl and we're trying to get litter trained but bless her little heart, she just might not have it in her.
An NIC cage is the way to go if you want mutli levels. Just make sure that you buy a few 1" dowel rods to support the levels. I use two for my shelves for Lily, who is 4 pounds. You may want to use three just to be sure. I've also seen people use shelving brackets ziptied to the back of the cage and the bottom of the shelf for support. They seem to work well for them.
Chloe isn't spayed since we got her as an adult rabbit, but we had a very exciting day and she actually pooped in her litter box all on her own! Plus she likes lots of places to sit and nap, so a litter box will be included in her new area. I'm actually thinking of just fencing off a corner of my room and setting her up in a pen.
If I used the NIC pieces to build a pen, would I be able to add a shelf in for her to sit on? I really just want her to have more floor space so that I can make a Cottontail Cottage a main part of her space. She loves hiding and napping in the dark, like every other rabbit on the planet. XD
I think puppy exercise pens are the best thing ever! Simple to set up and move (and transportable) and very easy to clean.
Has anyone actually used coroplast in one of their cages? Chloe loves chewing things apart and I'm slightly concerned if I were to use it that she'd eat it within days. She's VERY adventurous. In fact, as I type this she's running around my lap in circles and squishing herself behind me on the chair. This bunny needs a playground to keep her entertained. But who doesn't love little bunny paws patting your back? :biggrin:
Plenty of people use chloroplast with success. Just make sure the piece is bigger than her pen - most buns will chew up edges, but if she can't reach the edges she probably won't be able to chew it.
Bought three packages of eight cube sets at Target and a pack of five hundred zip-ties. Let's see how this goes!
Target's are the cheapest, I believe, at 17 a box, but a lot of the cubes have the larger holes everyone warns against. I used those cubes to build the ceiling and levels before I covered them.
-random- but I just realized your username was Arwen and the humongous lotr geek in me refused to believe it was a coincidence. :upsidedown::upsidedown:
Kitty88 wrote:
Has anyone actually used coroplast in one of their cages? Chloe loves chewing things apart and I'm slightly concerned if I were to use it that she'd eat it within days.
I have found great success using plastic poster hangers over the edge of the chloroplast to prevent chewing. Penelope will chew the chloroplast right down to the base, but can't chew it at all with the poster hangers. You need to slide them over the edge when you are doing the chloroplast (it is just easier to do it first, than to have to do it later). They can be cut to the size you need. I use duct tape the hold the edges down.
Kitty88 wrote:
-random- but I just realized your username was Arwen and the humongous lotr geek in me refused to believe it was a coincidence. :upsidedown::upsidedown:
My user name is also LotR based :biggrin:
Nice! If Chloe had turned out to have boy bits I'm sure she would have been named Sauron or Melkor.
(when I say I'm a lotr geek, I mean I've read the books, the hobbit, the boyfriend gave me a fancy copy of the book our first Christmas together and I knew I loved him... >.<)
I've used the same username for a while in different places. At our wedding, the best man talked about the name in his speech and how cool they thought I was when they realized it was from LotR :p
Photo of the NIC cage I made for my 9 pound Elf (RIP). I later moved the ramp (from the second shelf to the third shelf inside) up and secured it to become a shelf. She didn't need the ramp and could just hop up easily.



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