new bunny wont eat fresh food

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Sep 12, 2010
Reaction score
, Michigan, USA
i got panda yesterday, so i am not sure i should be concerned.

but her breeder said she doesnt feed fresh food, i have offered her some greens and a strawberry and she isnt interested. any advise?
Many bunnies turn their nose up at new food the first time they're given it. They can be picky little buggers! ;)

Since you've only had her a day, though, I wouldn't recommend changing her diet right away. Keep her on the same feed as her breeder had her one for a week or two, then you can look at introducing greens, etc.

Sinceshe's never eaten fresh greens and fruits, I wouldn't offer her much more than a few nibbles at firstuntil she's used to it. Too many fresh greens at once can cause serious digestive issues. Especially in young rabbits (I'm guessing she's still a baby?) who have sensitive digestive systems.

Hope that helps!

thanks rue, she is a baby and i just found out from a post on craigslist of the rest of her litter mates she is just under 6 weeks. :shock: so i will be extra careful and work with her. she is already doing what my husband calls the dead bunny flop onto the couch between us. and head butts me for attention. She is sweet.
If she's under 6 weeks, definitely hold off on the greens. I'd even wait longer than a week or two before introducing them. Maybe till she's 10-12 weeks. Babies' digestive systems can be quite sensitive. Better to just leave her on pellets and hay until she matures a bit and fully settles in (though it sounds like she's settling in quite well! ;) ).

:yeahthat: We were told 4 months and then gradually introduce greens. Main thing when they are that young is to give them Alfalfa as it's higher in protein and calcium which are needed by growing bunnies til they hit the six month mark.

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