New bunny vegetable feeding advice please

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Apr 17, 2013
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We just welcomed our first bunny to our home we know it is a dwarf rabbit but do not know exactly what kind. It is approximately 12 weeks old. He (we think it is a he) has only had pellets and Timothy hay. When can we start vegitables and can we start with romaine lettuce. We have researches and know which veggies and fruits he can and can not have, just need to know if there is a particular way/order to introduce it,or if we can just make him a salad bowland let him dig in. Thanks bunches.
It is very important that vegetables and other types of fresh food are introduced slowly and carefully. It is often best to introduce just one kind at a time. Don’t be tempted to give your rabbit large amounts in the beginning. This can cause soft stools, diarrhea or stasis. Start with one vegetable (e.g. celery). Offer a small piece and wait for at least 24 hours. If there are no soft stools, a larger piece can be offered the next day. If the droppings get soft, discontinue the introduction, and try again some other time. Take your time, and allow 5-7 days to introduce each vegetable.
The digestive tract of young rabbits is not fully developed and they may suffer diarrhea if the diet is changed. Watery stools are, however, more often the result of an infestation of the digestive tract by coccidia, a major cause of death at this young age. Young rabbits will start to nibble on hay and fresh vegetables after leaving the nest, at age of 2 or 3 weeks. If the young does not suffer adverse effects, this natural behavior should be encouraged, so to help develop a healthy bacterial flora in the intestine. If a young rabbit does not handle fresh food well, it should be stopped during a few days, and then reintroduced slowly. Other causes like parasitic infestation or environmental conditions should be ruled out.

_Medi rabbit has a list of safe vegetables as well.
I know that one vegetable that is almost always taken well by their stomachs and that is parsley, but I was told not to introduce vegetables until...about 4 or 5 months old I believe. Others will chime in who know a ton more than I do about this.
I would wait at least a month, then start introducing them very gradually as the other poster said. Start with a half-sized leaf of romaine, for instance.
I wouldn't even use half a romaine leaf, then again, Bandit seems to be very sensitive compared to Hazel-rah, so you really just have to try it out and see how your bun goes, might be no trouble at all. But definitely little bits at a time, and one new green at a time.
I've seen recommendations for starting greens that vary from 12 weeks to 6 months. There is no harm in playing it safe and waiting a bit.

Romaine is a good starter. Definitely one type at a time as others have already said. Think more in terms of "greens" than "veggies" especially in the beginning. Let him get accustomed to a variety of greens.

Carrots I would put more in the treat category and limit those severely along with fruits.

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