Natasha Rabbitova's 2012-13 Blog

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Natasha's nails have been getting really long - I've been so busy I just haven't had the time to take her in to the vet. I was finally able to make an appointment at the Cornell Vet Clinic.

Natasha was rather put out that when she ran into the dining room for her breakfast, Dad grabbed her and plopped her unceremoniously into her travel cage.

She finally settled down, ready for her car ride.

When we got to Cornell, Natasha was actually very calm in the waiting room, even though there were dogs coming and going all around us. She just sat in her cage, nibbled a bit of hay, and watched the world pass.

A vet student came and got us, and Natasha was a Really Good Bunny on the examining table. She sat patiently and let the student and one of the doctors examine her. The doctor said she was one of the best bunnies she'd seen, and her health was perfect.

Then it was time for the pedicure. Natasha suffered the attention amazingly patiently.

Natasha spent the day at the office with me afterward, and charmed all of the folks who came in to see her. She was very good, napping under the table most of the time, and popping out now and then to say "hello" or nibble on a stack of old patents. Of course, when it was time to go home, she got stubborn, playing a game of "chase the bunny" when I tried to get her back in the cage. I eventually cornered her under my desk, and we made it home just fine.

She's sulking under my bed as I type, but I'm sure she'll get over it.
It's nice having a four-day weekend. I had Thanksgiving dinner with friends, and I went flying this morning, but the rest of the time I'l be sharing with Natasha.

Natasha's still being overenthusiastic with Butter - I think more surgery may be in order this evening.

Borders and Basketball seem to be waiting their turn, but Natasha's determined to spend her time only with Butter.

After a tiring session grooming Butter, it's time for a bunny to relax in her safe spot and get some nice petting from Dad...

I submitted one of Natasha's pictures to Leith Petwerks' photo contest, and won a box of goodies for Natasha. You can see her picture in their October 2013 newsletter -

She really loved the little wicker basket and ball, and she actually liked a bunch of wooden carrots, which is a first (she usually ignores store-bought toys).

Speaking of non-store-bought toys, I filled an empty paper box with the paper from the shredder for Natasha. She loves digging in the confetti, and chewing on it as well.
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Haha, she´s a fan of the same things as mine. I also have two thirds of a wicker basket left and a lovely deep basket filled with shredded paper that my friend keeps for me. Lots of fun for all. I just her fur, she´s such a pretty girl.
Natasha has been enjoying her Christmas present - a paper bag stuffed with her favorite hays. I also put a few banana chips and craisins in it, just as an extra treat. Natasha got really excited, digging at the bag and flipping it around until she could get her teeth in an edge and rip the bag open.




A Good Time was had by all...

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