My Snuggle Bunny

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Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2009
Reaction score
Pasadena, California, USA
The GF was out for a short visit, and I unfortunately got used to having another warm body in bed with me at night... When she left Monday, Ihaven't been able tosleep so I took to bringing none other than Mr. Hugh to cuddle and snuggle with in bed. Naturally, and like most other aspects of his life, he doesn't mind a bit. <3

"But I'm not blonde."


"Nor very trim."


"Though I'm quite handsome."


"I guess I can snuggle with you."


"Sleeping here is more fun than my cage at least." (Note how his back legs are stuck out behind him!)


Love my sleepy snuggly old man. :)
LakeCondo wrote:
When GF returns, will it be a problem?

Good question. The good news (for Hugh at least)is she lives in Chicago, and because of work scheduling visits everycouple ofmonths at best. Sooo I predict Hugh will keep his solo snuggle buddy status until March or April. :p When she finally moves out here this summer though, who knows.
OOOoooh Hugh! I just love you. :love::inlove:

Aaah I wish Harvey would snuggle haha. He's way to hyperactive to snuggle.
He's my sweetheart, that's for sure. :) He makes nests in the blankets, without putting holes or rips in them. He can stay LOL.

Holly on the other hand would love nothing more than to pee everywhere and then chew the blankets. So Hugh is my only bed partner right now haha.

The dogs are both very jealous. :p
Ahhhhhh that's got to be about the cutest bunny I've ever ever seen (next to mine!). And that's saying something for me..because mine are pretty adorable and I"ve seen lots of bunnies! What color would she be considered? Is she a holland?
I'd say Broken Black for his coloring. His markings are just awesome.

What a sweetie he is. And to have him cuddle in bed with you, priceless.

Thanks for sharing the pics. Awesome Mini Lop.

K :)
I would have said broken black too if it weren't for the smatterings of this sandy color mixed in with the black... Hard to see in those pictures because my sheets were yellow and the light reflected off of those onto his face from my external flash, washing the color out, but you can kinda see it in this pic:

As long as he doesn't get jealous of your gf when she comes back...I got Q used to being my snugglebunny when I'm at school and my gf isn't here...but when she comes up to visit...ooooh...bunny does NOT like there being someone else in my bed! She insists on sleeping BETWEEN us! Horizontally. So that we're further away from each other. Poor cowgirl, always gets the tail end of the rabbit.
Hugh doesn't seem the jealous type. He is extremely laid back... It will be interesting to see though! :) So funny Qtip makes sure his mommies can't cuddle haha!

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