My Rabbit Has Changed Colors!

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This is Bella at 7 weeks old. (Front view)

This is her again about a month ago, 9 months old. (Front view)

This is Bella as 7 weeks. (Side view)

Bella today, 10 months old. (Side view.. well kinda :))

See how her broken spots have gotten a darker colour and much larger :)
Aww yes she is a cutie. Most buns do darken from when they are babies so I can definitely understand her changing since 7 weeks.
We have had several colors...Siamese sable, black tort, broken orange, broken black tort and something we never identified, otter like...and they "change" or "changed" ( some are in Heaven) colors when they shed, but when all is/was said and done they were still the same color...maybe a little darker, but still the same color! I think your very awesome smoked pearl is still a smoked pearl...just maybe a darker shade :)
Monty keeps molting in splotches. She's in her second or third (not sure if the second one ever finished, or just continues) and it's the middle of winter.

September before the second one started:

November, beginning of second molt:

Maybe about a week later in the same molt: ("who spilled coffee on my bunny?")

Last week of November:

First week of January, she's still going. This line keeps getting lower, and I can easily pluck loose hair out along it

Silly bunny butt :bunnydance:
So I saw someone said that Himi buns change color in different weather? Is that true? Its like Siamese cats, who get darker when its cold. Thats really cool.
yes that is true morgan :) This is true for californians also. Genetics have some thing to do with it but the majority of the expression is due to the environment.
We have had several colors...Siamese sable, black tort, broken orange, broken black tort and something we never identified, otter like...and they "change" or "changed" ( some are in Heaven) colors when they shed, but when all is/was said and done they were still the same color...maybe a little darker, but still the same color! I think your very awesome smoked pearl is still a smoked pearl...just maybe a darker shade :)

Oh yes i otoally agree. I know he's still a smoked pearl, my 'changed color' title was more of an exaggeration/humor at his change :)
Missy.....Monty definitely shows her molting. Poor Archie looked ragged like that too during it all. It's just funny how different rabbits molt. Some you can hardly tell!
Yes Himi change colors due to the weather. At least my himi marked rabbit does haha. It's fun to watch actually. I'll take pictures of the progress this time. He's in the middle of shedding so he looks rather shaggy, but he's still dark. Around June-ish he'll lighten up to almost white in certain spots.

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