My Rabbit ate a Paper Towel!!!

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Jun 7, 2022
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I just woke up this morning to see that my rabbit had completely shredded (and maybe even eaten some of) a paper towel! Do I need to be worried about this? I'm afraid he will get sick.

So Buckeye (my rabbit) goes into a cage at night because I can't supervise him while I'm sleeping. He is litter box trained and goes to the bathroom in a litter box which is in the corner of his cage. Usually, he goes in the middle, but recently he has been going in the corners, and the litter box does not reach both ends of the cage, so he ends up sticking his backside off the end of the litter box and peeing on the floor of the cage. He doesn't always do this, but I've started folding a paper towel and placing it in the corner where he can't reach (or so I thought) to keep the corner from becoming soiled. the space between the cage and litter box is very thin, so I thought he would not try to go through and eat the paper towel, and he has been good about that. I've had the paper towel there for a few weeks and he hasn't touched it, until now. Do you think he will be okay?

This is the piece he shredded compared to a normal paper towel
image0 (4).jpeg
There isn't much missing, and small amounts of paper or cardboard usually don't do any harm. It's just some more plant fiber, as long as it's not too much (like eating half of the towel).

Just keep an eye on him, as long as his appetite stays normal and he doesn't behave off (like loafing in a corner, not reacting to treats etc.) I wouldn't worry much.

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