my poor little baby :(

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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Reaction score
hartford, , USA
So the babies are going to be 4 weeks old on friday. Yesterday i noticed a little wet poo under there favorite tube.. Didnt really think anything of it, just thought now that they are more active they are just being messy. It has been really hot outside but they are in the shade and its actually realllly cool where they are and i put ice cubes in the water twice a day. Well today i went to go out and feed her after work and check on the little ones and i saw that bean was the one with the runny bottom! So i took out the veggies and all thats in there is pellets water and alfalfa hay. He is still active, showing no signs of being ill.
Im going to go out and wipe his bottom and do a clean sweep of the cage with warm water and a clean towel...
I would seperate him from everyone else but he is only 4 weeks old so i dont want to do that to him right now... Hopefully with some cleanings and keeping the cage spotless he will be ok.
I'd make a note of what veggies you were feeding and keep that in mind for the future. He may be having an adverse reaction to it.

I'll keep him in my thoughts!!
Im hoping thats all it is... so for now no veggies in that cage, cleanings daily ( used to be every other :p ) and twice a day baby bunnies are getting there bootys cleaned. Im wondering if its from a change in diet for them. They are starting to venture into pellets and alfalfa hay. Im hoping thats all it is!
noo :( i hope this is like a 24 hour thing now that i have caught it.. hopefully i caught it soon enough
Some babies have a time adjusting to the food, plus you said it's a bit hot. Bean might just be having a bit of a problem adjusting. At 4 weeks, it is a big adjustment for babies. They are starting to be little grown ups (without Mom's milk) and some belies still need a little more time. And any kind of heat doesn't help either.

Just keep observing. As long as he's eating, drinking, pooing and peeing, and has energy, I believe he'll get over this hump.

Please keep us updated on little Bean.

Will do! I went to clean out the cage and i had a cup of water and placed it inside the cage. Trudy nuzzled it tipped it over and layed in the cold water :p... I had water bottles freezing for them so i went inside to grab them... everyone is laying next to them... We are suppost to have a break in the heat tomorrow! Im crossing my fingers!

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