My new addition

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Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2007
Reaction score
, Wisconsin, USA
Most of you might not know that I lost my Whiskey Lou to what we beleive to be snuffles in early December. Well, my bunny house has stood empty from that point, until today. This morning I picked up a little boy with wry neck. He is six months old, and his neck is getting stronger very slowly. He is a wonderful cuddler, and a really sweet guy. He has some major issues with balance, and of course he tends to run in circles toward his left, but that all has to do with his wry neck.


I have yet to name him, because nothing seems quite right. The previous owners called him sweetie, but while he is a sweetie, it seems a little to girly for my little boy. He was very well cared for, but his previous owners decided to find a home where he could be an only bunny, and get more one on one attention.

I am open to ideas for names, and perhaps ways to make his neck stronger, and improve his balance.

How about Neelix or Odo (pronounced Oh-dough)?

He is a beautiful bun. I think its greatthat you took inthis cute little guy! He's sure to get all the spoiling he deserves!:)
Aww...poor little guy. He is a cutie though.

Had they taken him to a vet before?

How about the name Stanely? I like that name. :)
He's adorable, that's great that youadobted him.

Hey how about Whiskers or Moustache (I know i'm nuts LOL)

I want to say a big hearty congratulations for adopting this bunny. There is something about having a special needs bunny that is.....I don't know - heartwarming? I know that some of my closest relationships have been with my bunnies that got ill over something and needed a bit of extra care.

I have found that the wry neck bunnies I've had do better if they get some run time (as long as they're not rolling) and it seems to me like it makes them stronger....somehow.

Once again - congrats!

Yes run time will definatly be available. Right now, he has a small playpen, during the potty training process, but eventually, he will get the livingroom, then maybe the house like Whiskey. I did have to tape bath towels down on the floor of the bun house, because the epoxy was too slippery, and he would roll over all the time. He seems to be gripping better with the towels, and I will find something more permanant tomorrow. I think he might end up with only halfof myhouse as his run area, because I have a feeling he will be more like Seltzer and not want to venture out on the linoleum, due to his rolling...

His previous owners said they would give him a carrot each day, but hold it so he had to stretch his neck to get it, (not too much, but enough) so I tried that today, and he did wonderful! From what I understand he had gotten much better already. He sneezes quite a bit, so my guess is the head tilt is from Pasturella. What do you think? People on here know so much more than I do... lol

Yay! He's home!

Is he on any meds? Did the owners take him to a vet at all, and what was he treated with? It would be a good idea to take him in for a check-up. And there is a med that can be given to help with some of the dizzyness. Head tilt is most often caused by either an ear infection or complications from E. cuniculi, a parasite. Medications can help treat the problem to prevent more damage to him, and treatment may also help him to slowly loose some of the tilt. I don't know if you've checked the RO Library, but there's lots of info on head tilt there.

Try getting some arctic fleece for the floor, it's great once it's anchored/clipped down. And it doesn't unravel. I use it in my foster bun's cage.

Edit: And I'm totally blanking on a name right now. Why not bring him over and I'll see if I can name my new addition, LOL!
Oh he is a sweetheart! I love that "butterfly" pattern he has on his nose. Have you thought of a name yet? He brings to mind the name Linus...


Valentino (call him Tino would be cute) for Valentine's Day next week :)

and congrats! he's adorable and you are a doll to take him and help him!

*hugs to you*

I have to say you taking him honors Whiskey the way nothing else could. If you need anything let me know.:biggrin2:
Okay, so shortly after Whiskey died, my boss bought me a toy bunny, one of those made out of real rabbit fur from meat rabbits. Well she is cute, and I named her willow and put her on Whiskeys porch. Well my new bun has taken quite a liking to Willow, and will pull her down off the porch into the playpen, and run very tight circles around her. But he insists on tipping her on her side. I think it is so he can look her in the eyes... lol.

At first I thought all the circling was due to the tilt, but now I think he is just a very happy little boy! He runs circles around me like crazy, around his food dish, and around Willow. He also has been chinning things like they will run away if he doesn't claim them! I know the circling probably has something to do with his tilt, but I think he really loves it here. He has been here approc 24 hours now....
What a little sweetheart - well done you for giving him a good, loving home.

I am sorry that you lost Whiskey Lou. I think that giving this little guy a chance , you are honouring him in the best way :)

He is very adorable :inlove:.

I would definitely get him into the vet for a check up, though :).

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