my mum is going 2 kill my bunny!

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Hi i have not writen in a whiel, ( the computer was broken, i got a mini laptop for
Xmas.) Your mom cant be serius, i get scartched all the time by my buns, she just says go wash it, or something like that, the only time my parents have ever killed a rabbit was when i was 4 , and the rabbit had rabies or something.
i would sadly kill a rabbit with rabies aswell,,,,

but my mum has calmed down. (thank god)

she hit me again:grumpy:i want to scream at her, but i dont. reaserched running away. it seems a bad idea....
irishlops wrote:
i would sadly kill a rabbit with rabies aswell,,,,

but my mum has calmed down. (thank god)

she hit me again:grumpy:i want to scream at her, but i dont. reaserched running away. it seems a bad idea....
Well hopefully you won't ever have to kill a rabbit with rabies because there are no rabies in Ireland. I think you need to talk to someone about your mother if she's hurting you, physically and mentally, enough to make you want to run away.

I don't believe Elena is a troll because I have spoken to her a great deal. However, there are some things she has said on the forum/to me/to other members that do not add up in anyway (which have been discussed with mods), and I think that Elena is a very confused girl, and has a lot of needs that are not being addressed in real life, that she is finding she can get from the forum (such as care and attention). The forum tolerated Alexah for a long time, and I think it's only fair that Elena is also given a fair shot because I believe she has a good heart, she just has some issues that really need addressing, plus she is very young too, and we ALL make mistakes.

There is also a possibility that there is also another underlying issue that possibly made her take the killing of her rabbit more seriously (if indeed the post was genuine), such as Asperger's Syndrome, where people can not distinguish between what is said randomly and what is meant (amongst other things).

There are plenty of explanations for what may or may not be happening here, to be fair, the important thing is that a, Elena's rabbits will hopefully be ok, and b, Elena has found the forum and we can help educate her about rabbit care and help her become a super rabbit mum.

Mods, I hope this hasn't been out of line, it probably has though, and I expect it will be deleted, but hey, nevermind.
my rabbits are ok..

and i dont understand the post,

i do not lie that offten, and this post/topic is true.

i really have alot say, but when i started to type this it left my head..:huh
irishlops wrote:
i do not lie that offten, and this post/topic is true.

:DNot trying to be an adult but you shouldn't lie.
Flashy wrote:
There is also a possibility that there is also another underlying issue that possibly made her take the killing of her rabbit more seriously (if indeed the post was genuine), such as Asperger's Syndrome, where people can not distinguish between what is said randomly and what is meant (amongst other things).

i read it again,,, i know what she said. (mum) i really know it is true. pleaase belive me,.

i have a brusie and a broken heart to show it.
JadeIcing wrote:
irishlops wrote:
i do not lie that offten, and this post/topic is true.

:DNot trying to be an adult but you shouldn't lie.

i mean very very not offten, like did u take the biscuit out of the box/tin.

and i went to confession1/2 weeksago. so i will not lie.
im not a troll.

but i am bothering people so i am not coming on here again.


to becca, lemon, flashy, paul2641, irishbunny, nibbles 87 (sp?), others aswell.

good bai,

I don't think you should leave the forum! It seems you have already made good friends here.
Just wanting to clarify...

Irishlops, you don't need to run off. I noticed that things weren't adding up and other members have noticed it as well. Being a forum administrator myself, I have my own instincts and went to check out your profile where I noticed that things weren't adding up. All I wanted to do was give a heads up and I did it here so that if it was a mistake or a lie (as Flashy has said, we've had other members lie for personal reasons) you could defend yourself. I prefer saying what I think in front of people instead of behind their backs so that they have a chance to prove me wrong. That's how I am.
i want to say, give me a few days to think, to much has happened to me lately.

mrs binky, sorry i onl read my post and reasiled that when i said, "i am bothering some people" u could of thought it was me targeting you. thats not true,

i see ur point and agree.

*hugs to people i have hurt :hugsquish:*


(i am very busy over monday and maybe tuesday so i might not be on)
I would believe it, my partner Mathew has said something along the same lines in fury at Sakura because she gave me a huge cut on my hands. Just a reaction "that thing hurt my woman, raaar! Caveman me wants to stop it happening!". It's just a heat of the moment thing, a "how dare that animal that we take such good care of turn around and hurt you, I want it gone!". He doesn't like or understand her so if she hurts me, all he sees is that the rabbit must be vicious etc etc and that I need protecting.

I'm sure your mum wouldn't really kill your rabbit, she was just saying it in anger like when Mat did, it's just a silly thing to say and they don't realise how much that stuff upsets us.

I hope she's stil being calm and that you're figuring things out with her. She sounds like she has a bit of a temper :?.
I am not quite sure what's going on here but we often say things that can't be taken literally. I am sure the word "rabbit stew" was muttered frequently when we couldn't catch the little beggars or they had nibbled (yet again) through a cable. I would like to think my kids can distinguish between what is said in jest and what is meant. there's something seriously wrong if the difference isn't clear.
NZminilops wrote:
that thing hurt my woman, raaar! Caveman me wants to stop it happening!
First off, I have to say, that is flippin' hilarious! Secondly, my boyfriend is the same way. Toby (the rabbit) bit my thigh pretty good and I was bleeding. Will (the boyfriend) chased Toby down the hall and was going to hit him as punishment. I intervened, and no one was hurt, except for my thigh... He had only had dogs and cats before, so he was thinking that punishing a rabbit was like punishing a dog. When I say "hit", I mean a smack on the bum. Not beating the snot out of the dog... After I intervened, he was mad and was raving about how he wanted to kill Toby. He sounded serious. After a while, he cooled down. You would never have known that happened. I see him sneaking craisins to Toby all the time. People say things they don't mean. They might mean them at the time, but it is more of a hollow threat than anything else.

As far as your mom goes, she should not be hitting you. My mum slapped me across the face a few times when I was younger, and I admit, I deserved it most of the time. If she is hitting you frequently, and leaving marks, I highly urge you to contact the authorities. At least tell a school counsellor. It is hard to stand up for yourself against a parent. Trust me, I know. My dad was abusive (moreso mentally) and the scariest moment of my life was reporting him to the police when he tried choking me. Do I regret it? Not at all. You have to look out for yourself. Don't run away, it won't solve anything. Stand up and do what's right. I wish you luck, and my PM box is always open if you need someone to listen. I've been there, I know how confusing it can be.
I agree, contact someone to stop your mother from hurting you if you think she is going farther than a little smack here and there when you've been bad, though I don't agree with that, either.

My mom was an alcoholic and was very abusive toward me. I would hide the most of it from every one. One day she went too far and was so drunk that she pulled out a butcher knife and proceeded to chase me around the house with it. If she would have caught me, you betchya she would have killed me that night because she was so wasted.

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