My little Oscar

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Rachael - Member
Sep 18, 2013
Reaction score
New Zealand
Oscar couldn't be more perfect. I love him with all my heart, and he has fitted in to my life better than I could have imagined. He makes me laugh, makes me smile.. And sometimes makes me grit my teeth, but I adore him and his mischief none the less.

Oscar is an 11 week old Rex buck. He came into my life on the 24th of September. That was only one week ago today! But it feels like so much longer. He was a somewhat spontaneous decision.. When I saw his little face, It all just happened rather fast! I bought him off an amazing breeder, picked him up a few days later, and soon enough, he was settled at home, with more toys than any child I know, and the attitude to match.

This year has been my final year of school - and despite everyone saying it is supposed to be the best year of my life - it has been the exact opposite. But this little guy, has been here everyday and make everything that much better! He is cheeky and adventurous, he is clever and hilarious. He is my little man, and I wouldn't change him for the world.

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I'm so glad you started a thread! Little Oscar is just too cute :D I'm looking forward to reading all about his loving, crazy and sweet bunny adventures :)
Glad you decided to start a thread for him, he is super cute and I love those big ears and that spotty chest. I´m sure I´ll really enjoy reading all about him and see lots more pics. Good that he´s settled in so well and you´re right, it doesn´t seem like only a week since you picked him up.

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