My little angels??

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Feb 16, 2009
Reaction score
, , United Kingdom
Aren't they soooo sweet?? What a comfy pillow......


Now what they are really like!
How could those cute little guys be soo naughty????? Here are the little hooligans after tipping their hay box completely upside down...

Bugs:"Spooky I think we've just been rumbled, Mummy doesn't look very happy!"
Spooky:"Why do you think I am hiding in here?"

Spooky:"What a mess, shall we make a run for it?"


Don't you just love :inlove:it when bunnies are naughty!!!!
Aww they're so sweet! And yes, their little tricks and naughtiness can be soo amusing, lol.
haha they are very cute... that first photo is sooo cute. I love your captions too.

I hope my two love each other like this when they are bonded... how long have these two been friends for?
Aww that first picture is just so adorable

Lol...yah...i have a few naughty little buggers:rollseyes...some of the mischief my bunnies have gotten up to is just unbelievable...things i would just neverimagine a bunny would even think about lol.

Your bunnies are just so cute!
Thank you all for your great comments!!

Hi Crystal, they have been bonded for over 4 years, but just to let you know they don't always love each other quite so much. Most of the time they are very sweet to each other, but the other night they had a boxing match after much chasing around. That's only the second time I've ever seen it happen and no damage was done, thank goodness!

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