My kitties

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Oct 18, 2006
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Sarrah( she was preg here)


Skyler Jade


Hi Cariissa,

Your cats are all so beautiful! And I just had to post when I looked atthe pics, for two reasons. First, your cat Damian looks so much like a'soulmate' cat I had many years ago, named Snooch. The only differencein the two that I can see is that the color on Damian's nose isinverted compared to my cat's...Snooch had a black nose with a white'v' above it. But what's also ironic is the fact that I have a pic(somewhere) of Snooch posing exactly like your Damian...sitting infront of a window next to a screen, looking at the camera.

And this is even more weird...your last cat, Skyler Jade (gorgeouslittle kitty, btw) has the names of my niece's two children! She hastwo children, a boy and a girl. Skyler was born two years ago inOctober, and Jade was just born a few weeks ago. Isn't that strange?

I love your pics; your kitties look extremely happy and well-loved. Thanks so much for sharing them! :)
Your Franky-Lou looks really similar to my catMoppet:D. And Sarrah has the same colouring as my other cat Mitten,I've never seen another cat like that:D

Cute kitties!! I had a mama kitty thatlooked a lot like Sarrah when I was about ten. She had fourlitters in the time we lived there in the house (approx four, thatis...she had so many!). We had over 15 cats at onetime! And they were all so cute and sweet, too.:)

Is she the mama of any of the other kitties in the pictures?Our Mama Kitty (was her name, appropriately) had lots of tabbies: grayand orange, mostly, but some of the kitties were versions of tuxedocats, too.

It was fun waiting to see what colors would show up next. Asa kid, I loved having litters to take care of...but nowadays I thinkwhen someone has a stray that just has babies constantly, that it isn'tthe greatest. She was so skinny from all those babies...butshe was such a wonderful mama. :)

No none of the kittens are her babies, She hadthe kittens Aug 6th, She was a horrible mother, negleted them, refusedto touch them..when they came out she didnt even lick them off i had toclean them.

I had to get up every three hours for 5 weeks to feed the kittens. Whenthey were five weeks, the only female kitten an orange kitten, died, wejust thought it was random..then 2 days later the kitten i was keepingdied...he was a silvertip persian(sarrahs mother was persian) andfather was Maincoon.)
so I took them to the vet...the vet gave me meds, and saidthe remaining two would live was happy so i was going to keep the two.well 2 days later another one died, then the next day the last onedied. I had to sell my other 2 ferrets I had at the time to get moneyto pay the vet the $120 for takeing the kittens in before the last 2died.

I tryed my best to keep them alive, I dont know why they died..but ifeel im responsible. There lives were in my hands, they relied on me tokeep them alive, and I failed them.

Also in that same week on wednessday, when the second baby died, i camehome from work and my moms dog got loose outta his creat in the houseand killed my Rabbit and my hampster. I was horrified...Winter my bunnywas my favorite animal.... i played with him everyday, we spend 1 hreach day outside together, then he was out in another cage for theremainned of the day, about 3 hrs...a bottle of water, abottle of frozen water to lick, food and hay. I miss him but i dontthink my mom will let me get another one for a while. :-(

But I am getting sarrah Spaded..She is NOT fit to have ANY MORE kittenEVER! , and then after i get her spaded, im going to find a good homewith NO other cats and no dogs, She also attacks my pitbull all thetime, she corners her and scares her and my pit pees in thecorner...Thats not right. Shes a very mean cat and she odviosly dontlike other animals...but im going to make sure she goes to a good home.And I found a long haird calico kitten (my moms always wanted one) andim getting that for my mom for Halloween(early x-mas present)
Oh, Sweetie...I'm sorry my question brought up such bad memories.

Hun, there wasn't anything more you could have done to keep thosekittens alive, if their mother ignored them from birth. Theyjust didn't get what they needed straight off the bat...which happenswith most kitty's first few litters. How old was Sarrah whenshe had them?

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