My Heart's on Fire for Elvira

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Lol, Snowy! Most of my sweatshirts have little bunny holes chewed in them :)
The times I've nearly stepped on a rabbit! Those little rascals dart right under my feet right as I'm taking a step. I've learned to either shuffle my feet when I walk around them, or to watch every single step I take. You think they would have more sense than to run under a big clomping beast like me :)

Yeah, what Jennifer said about the cecals. I don't think spreading out pellets will make a difference in how much hay she eats. She may have just been going through a growth spurt that has now slowed down, so she's not eating as much hay. You could cut back just a little on the pellets if you don't feel like she is eating enough hay, and then up them again when she goes through another growth spurt.

Roo is a little timid too. It helps him to have a sibling to play with. He kind of follows their lead. You could try sitting a little out of Ellie's comfort zone to kind of draw her out into unknown territory. I find repetitive exposure helps too. Like taking her to different places with you, maybe to a different place in the house. Roo will usually be really nervous at first, but once I put him down to play while I sit with him, and he starts to look around and explore, he realizes that this new place isn't so bad and he'll start to run around and play.
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Its like second nature to shuffle my feet when I walk into the kitchen, because there were numerous times that Foo got skidded across the floor from being kicked, lol.
I bring her into the living room with me and she sits on the couch with me. She likes to eat pellets on the couch and dig in my pillow. haha. I will start to sit a little outside of her side of the kitchen, to get her to come to me and get used to the rest of the room. She likes to have the laundry hamper to hide under, she also likes her pile of dirty cage blankets, lol. Just like Foo, Foo loved to lay on her dirty blanket pile too!

I think I'll probably keep her pellets where they are. Its just a little weird for me to see cecals. I never really saw Foo's and I've only seen Ellie's like twice. So multiple times in one day is strange! hahaha. I think she's okay. I'm just going to give her more hay and make her eat it! lol
I went into the kitchen and looked for Ellie. She was next to the fridge, between it and the wash hamper. She had her little back legs stretched out to the side and she looked SO comfy! I tried to get my camera but the freaking batteries were dead and by the time I got back with my phone she was already up. Ugh. I'm so mad I couldn't get a picture! I can't wait for her to flop out again. It was freaking adorable.
I started to see less hay consumption in Monty when she was about 3 months old. She got used to my routine of filling her pellets twice a day, and instead of grazing on hay, she was just waiting for more pellets. She would also shake the cage when I came into the kitchen when her bowl was empty. So I said uh, hell no. That's when I switched to having just hay in her cage, and keeping her bowl of pellets in the kitchen. She eats tons of hay when she's in there (and I give her one of her two salads of the day in there too), then she gets to eat pellets when she's out for a romp around the kitchen. It seemed like it helped the bond too, because I started holding the bowl on my lap so she would have to get close to me and put her front paws on my leg to reach her food. Ellie might be a little small to try this, but I just wanted to share the idea. I also started this routine to help keep myself from taking the lazy approach and not letting her out more then once a day. I'd visit her a lot, but yeah...I knew even when she was small that it wasn't fair to keep her cooped up, and having it be feeding time MADE me do it, and made it fun :)

I've been slipping her leaves of lettuce since she was about that age, too. It's amazing how much salad this girl will put away now that she's 7.5 months. I've got her up to almost 3 cups a day and I've never seen her have any soft poop.

Anyway, enough of that rambling. I've been stopping by and reading every day but haven't been taking a moment to respond, so this will be a little pile of replies. Holy crap, I feel old now that you said your age. Here I figured you were my age or a year older, but it turns out I'm 5 years older than you. Good job, I didn't sense your youth at all ;) I burnt myself really bad on Dec. 1 when I was taking a saucepan with a loooong handle out of the oven. It just barely touched my wrist for a second, and immediately turned into a blister. Then that night I wanted to protect it and have some Neosporin on it without rubbing it all over my bed, so I put a bandaid on it. Bad idea! I picked a cheapie one (hey, it had donuts on it!) and it came off in my sleep, along with the top layer of skin :( I had the same problem you do, with it absolutely throbbing any time I let my hand hang down. Something about the blood rushing to it just kills! It's a shiny, itchy, whiny bitch of a scar now, the size of a dime. It itches like hell from certain lotions, stupid thing. Makes it hard to type on my laptop because the edge of the laptop hits it right in the middle when I rest my arm on it. GAHHHHHH I hate burns. I've got three scars on my left arm now, all from the past year. I never had any before that, so I'm starting to get paranoid about it. *twilight zone music*

Okay I'm done rambling for now. I was going to upload a picture of my burn when it still looked like a zombie bite, but then who the hell would want to see that? I'll just keep that to myself :p Monty sends nose bonks to Ellie :rabbithop
I think i solved the hay eating problem. I got some hay off the bale in the barn and put it in a basket. She is going hay crazy! She has been getting old Timothy hay, that i think she's tired of. So coastal is the way to go! Foo liked coastal better too.
Missy, you really cracked me up with the burn. Is it wrong that I do want to see the burn because it looked like a zombie bite?! haha. I may be a little crazy.

I feed Ellie a lot of pellets by hand. She sits on my leg while I feed her pellets, so bond over that.
As for her hay, I found a wire basket and put her coastal in it, so she can eat it from sides of the basket and the top of the basket. She seems to like it a lot. Since she stays out of her cage for the most part now, I think I'll leave the hay basket out for her to eat out of. She seems to like the coastal better than the timothy. Which is fine with me, since I'm going to try not to buy any more packages of hay, only bales. She still gets her alfalfa and loves it, but that junk is a mess. Its all little tiny pieces and long thick stems. What a joke! She likes the thick stems, but the little tiny 'fluffy' pieces get everywhere and they're a little hard for her to eat.

She has been out of her cage since like 7 am. She's done pretty well out of the cage. She's eaten a lot more Sherwood pellets today, I guess because she's been out so much today.
I'm going to go sit with her in a few minutes. Do some mama-bunny bonding!
On an animal unrelated note. My husband was taking a shower not to long ago and I heard him fall. So I laughed so hard that I couldn't go in there until I got my laughter under control. lmao. So I got my laughter under control enough to check on him. I went into the bathroom and through laugh-tears I asked him if he was okay. He said 'yes, but you're really delayed', I laughed even harder and told him 'sorry, I had to get myself under control!' As I laughed hysterically. He told me I was a b*tch and I laughed my way out of the bathroom.
LMAO! Sometimes, its really funny when people fall down in the shower. That brings me to when I worked in a fast food place. This girl I worked with came in and asked everyone we worked with if we had ever fallen in the shower. A lot of us had, but this one guy we worked with had fallen so many times he had to have the little tub stickers to make the floor less slick. We laughed pretty hard about that. But we asked this group of cops that always came in. We had a pretty good relationship with them and one of them over-shared with us his story of falling in the shower. lmao, it was when he was in the marines, he fell in the huge marine shower at boot camp. We looked at him for like 10 solid seconds, and thought about all those men in that shower and him falling. Then we busted out laughing. We were crying by the end of it and the rest of the cops were like WTF? Over-share! hahaha. It was so funny.
I can't believe I just typed all that out. My own memory, lol. Like you guys know what the hell I'm talking about. lmao.

Oh and since I'm using my old personal laptop from when I was a teenager, I found some old stories I wrote when I was like 18. They're pretty good! hahaha. I could have blown 50 Shades right the hell out of the water! I need to be published so I can make millions too!

Yep, I told y'all it was a rambling sort of day. There you go, there is my rambling for the rest of the week. ;) lol

PS. I just sat in the floor with Ellie until I couldn't sit there anymore, my knee is killing me. I was eating a rice pudding cup and a juice box. Yes, I said juice box! haha. I was like a little kid eating in the floor. lol Anyway, Ellie attacked my juice box! She took a chunk out of the corner of it. I squeezed it a little so like a dime sized drop of juice came out and she drank some of the juice. I wiped it up and she attacked the hoody I wiped it with(I was sitting on my husband's hoody). She wouldn't leave the juice box alone, so I put it on the counter and she proceeded to binky and bunny 500 around the whole kitchen. She can jump over a foot in the air! She is so fast. She shakes her little head and her ears go all over the place and then she takes off and goes around the hay basket, under the wash hamper, on top of her cardboard box thing, then back to me. She was going crazy! It was SO funny! She's such a little cutie!
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This is my last post I promise! I have to go to bed!

I just cleaned Ellie's litter boxes and gave her a new blanket. Apparently, she is going to need a big litter box. That little tiny butt can't seem to make it all the way into the litter box to pee. She didn't pee in her cage at all, other than under the box. My guess is, she gets in and doesn't put that butt in and pees like she's in there all the way. So it was on the blanket a bit too, where the blanket edge was under the box. hahaha. But I did notice that she doesn't pee on the hay side, which is great! All of her hay was nice and dry.
So I'm going to take her old hay box and small litter box and make them her out of the cage litter boxes and get her a regular cat sized one. She'll probably like it better anyway, since sometimes I find her snoozing in the hay side of her box. I also found her snoozing in the big hay basket tonight, it was adorable. She didn't potty in the hay basket either! I was surprised.
She knows that cardboard is okay to potty on though! I had to make two cardboard boxes into litter boxes for one corner and she only potties in the boxes. I took one out and had a flat piece of cardboard down and she only pottied in the box and that flat piece. How smart is she! I got so lucky! She isn't pee marking yet because she isn't hormonal, hopefully she won't totally lose her litter habits later in life.

Okay, I wanted to ask about hay. I hate hate HATE kaytee alfalfa hay. It was fine at first, now its all really fine pieces and sticks. Its terrible. I don't know what alfalfa is supposed to look like, because when I rode horses I got the alfalfa cubes, so it was pressed. But I hate this crap, its a huge mess. I put her handful into her food bowl that way she would be able to eat it all and not lose it in the coastal in her litter box.
I feel like I have a pretty good while of keeping her on a grass/alfalfa mix, so would it be worth my while if I could find like a half bale of alfalfa? Or a mini bale? I mean, if she eats it until she is 7 months or so, thats ... 5 1/2 months or so left on alfalfa. Or does she even need it? She gets the sherwood which is alfalfa, and she only gets like 2 handfuls of alfalfa a day. I'm sure we've covered all of this before, but I'm stupid tonight. I might just end the alfalfa after this stupid bag is done. I want to call kaytee and tell them their hay looks like ****. They may send me a good bag!

Okay, I'm done now. Now that I've assaulted you all with my strange ramblings. Its been a bad day today for that, lol. My poor husband. :)
Morgan, you do tell some real good stories, the shower ones are so funny. It's a bit like when someone slips on the ice and you can't help them up cos you're laughing so much. Why is is when somebody falls down that it makes us all laugh even though they could have hurt themselves.

How funny is Ellie with the juice carton, bet she enjoyed those few sips and then having a silly half hour as I call it where they run about like mad as though they're on something. Houdini does that, he'll run around the enclosure really fast and then out of it and binky all about and then back in and so on....he's the only one that does that but he seems to like it so who I am to say. It does make you look at them as though...hey what is the matter with you lol...

Bandy used to hold him bum over the end of the litter tray and pee onto the floor but he's got out of that now so I'm sure she will and all of mine like sitting in their litter tray at the dry end to have a snooze and sometimes to eat some hay.

Can't help you with the hay, you have so many kinds over there, it just amazes me. Mine don't have a choice, it all seems to be basically the same over here so that's what they get although the last ones I bought which were a bit dearer, they definitely like that better so I'll stick to that at the moment.

And Zombie burns...sounds a bit too much for me. I hate Zombie films, actually I'm not a great horror fan so it amazes me that I can watch American Horror Story but I do have to look away quite a lot, I'm such a scaredy cat. Hope the burn is improving and doesn't leave too much of a mark.

Well, off to work but I'll be back later.
Morgan, I have been SO angry at Kaytee's hay recently! I have been buying their Timothy hay forever because that's all my buns will eat. I tried Oxbow, but they didn't touch it. Anyway, the past 3 bags of hay I've bought have been absolute crap. I even took back one of the bags back to petsmart. I would like to write them a letter too...
Okay, I wanted to ask about hay. I hate hate HATE kaytee alfalfa hay. It was fine at first, now its all really fine pieces and sticks. Its terrible. I don't know what alfalfa is supposed to look like, because when I rode horses I got the alfalfa cubes, so it was pressed. But I hate this crap, its a huge mess. I put her handful into her food bowl that way she would be able to eat it all and not lose it in the coastal in her litter box.
I feel like I have a pretty good while of keeping her on a grass/alfalfa mix, so would it be worth my while if I could find like a half bale of alfalfa? Or a mini bale? I mean, if she eats it until she is 7 months or so, thats ... 5 1/2 months or so left on alfalfa. Or does she even need it? She gets the sherwood which is alfalfa, and she only gets like 2 handfuls of alfalfa a day. I'm sure we've covered all of this before, but I'm stupid tonight. I might just end the alfalfa after this stupid bag is done. I want to call kaytee and tell them their hay looks like ****. They may send me a good bag!

remember my "sticks and fluff" rantings from a month or two ago? yeah, that was the kaytee alfalfa. I got a few good bags, but most were the wretched sticks and fluff cut where the sticks were hard and the rabbits didn't like them and the fluff that they did like always fell through the litter box grid... ugh. I HATED that stuff. I had to put the fluff in a bowl for them. in restrospect, I'm kicking myself for not buying a bale or half-bale early on, as you can buy one for the cost of like three of those dinky bags of sticks and fluff.

I would buy a little thing of feed store alfalfa for her... whatever you do, don't buy oxbow, it's even worse than kaytee.

oh, and if you call kaytee and chew them out for their hay being total crap, give 'em an earful for me, too!
Jennifer I do remember your 'sticks and fluff' rant! hahaha.
BAM! I CALLED KAYTEE! They're sending me a postage paid envelop, so I can put the hay in it and send it back to them. Then they'll take it to quality control and then they'll send me a "free 5 lb any kaytee product free coupon" its worth $10. I don't know what I'll do with the kaytee coupon because I'm pretty unhappy with kaytee hay and I don't feed kaytee pellets. Maybe I'll buy something with the coupon and take it to a shelter or rabbit rescue. Or maybe I'll mail the coupon to a rescue.
(btw, I say coupon like 'coupin', if you've seen Ron White; you'll know what I'm talking about)
Well, thats if they even send me a coupon. But I don't know how they'll think the quality of that hay is okay. Because its totally not.

Ellie was just flopped in her litter box! How cute is she! OMG. She must be getting comfortable here.
hahaha I say "Q-pon" like a dork, but I do know what you're talking about and jokingly call them coopins sometimes :p (just to be more of a dork)

I'm ODing on Mountain Dew and trying to clean up my sewing area today...I keep taking little breaks to try to get nuzzles and pants-lickies from Monty, but she's totally in mid-afternoon snooze mode. She'll tooth purr if I reach in and pet her, but makes no move to return any affection. I guess I'll wait til dusk to go harass her ;)
Unfortunately, when I saw 'coopin' like that, its not a joke. I just can not control myself. For some reason I can't say it the way it was intended. It makes my husband insane! Is it wrong that I really want my son to say coupon like coopin? lmao. I'm crying right now, I'm laughing so hard! I just think about my husbands face when I say it and he's like :headsmack then he looks at me like I'm an idiot. lol, I can't help it!

Do you leave Monty loose in your kitchen when you're not in there? I leave Ellie loose in my kitchen when I'm not in there and during the day when she's in her bunny coma, she finds something to snuggle into but never goes back into her cage. I think its weird she doesn't go back into her cage, but oh well.
Haha you do make me laugh Morgan, we say it totally different bit like you say towmato and we say towmarto....if you get my drift.

Well at least they´re sending the we say, it´s better than a kick in the teeth.

Great that Ellie is really settling in and feeling right at home. My two little scufflers have been out together tonight as I´m home for the night but Í had to put one away in the enclosure as they were driving me nuts and I couldn´t do anything else. Houdini is pooping all over the place and that´s driving me nuts as well as he´s so well little trained, must be part of his rebellious behaviour at the moment. Since I closed Snowy in, he´s been sitting by the side of him and sniffing through the bars. I swear that if they don´t sort things out soon, I´ll just go mad. Enough of my ranting now.
I should, but I haven't worked up to that yet. If I'm in the living room right in sight of the kitchen, I've been leaving her out for a couple hours at a time a couple times a week (I'll admit, I'm not a great bunmom in that aspect, because I'm so paranoid of her chewing on my Ikea butcher block because she totally loves to nip at it and I get tired of walking in there to redirect her attention) and overall, she's pretty good. I need to rub a new coat of bar soap on the bottom half of the entire butcher block and man the f up! I have some cardboard and tiles blocking it right now, but she 500s into the tiles and knocks them onto herself and pulls the cardboard away because I let her chew on all of the other cardboard in the kitchen. Otherwise, she's a good big baby. The only time she's ever peed on the floor in there, it was the corner right in front of the fridge when my b/f and I were sitting right there with her! Stinker. Someday I plan to get a playpen (that's been in my amazon cart for months) so I can hook it onto the doorway where the swinging gate is mounted in the kitchen doorway to extend her run area into the living room where she can see me better and I can still get sewing and stuff done without bunny teeth exploring too much.
Awww, you're finally getting your bunny flops! I love to see my bunnies all flopped out. It makes me happy to know they feel so contented. I'm glad Ellie is feeling so happy with you :) That's so funny that tiny little Ellie is going to need a big litter box. Is this small litter box the same one Foo used to use? I have really liked having a big litter box for Baby because there's lot of room for peeing, hay, digging , and napping in. It seems to keep her messy bunny habits all contained into one nice area, lol.

Oh no, sounds like Ellie is a sugar addict like the rest of our buns. It so funny how exited they get over sugary treats. I used to have a rabbit that would share my fruit popsicles with me(before I knew better). I just slept on a mattress on the floor at the time, and I would be laying on it eating a popsicle, and she would hop up on me and start eating at one end while I was eating the other. She LOVED popsicles! I'm sure Ellie will be sooo excited when she's old enough to eat fruit. I can just picture her eating her first nana, nomming away with her mouth full of squishy banana, lol. You definitely will have to take pictures :)

Good news! Both Tobby and Libby ate their sherwood pellets rignt at feeding time, yay :) That didn't eat a bunch, but they did eat them before they ate their alfalfa. There is hope for all our stubborn bunnies :)

With alfalfa hay it's actually pretty normal to have it be sticks and fluff, even with the really nice stuff. The problem is that when it is dried and baled, the leafy parts crumble up. I have some really nice alfalfa left over from my horse, that I've been feeding a little bit to my bunnies. It pretty much separates into the stems and fluffy leaves when I pull some off the bale. The only time when I've seen the leaves not get so crumbly and turn into fluff, is either when it is cut really late and the stems and leaves are really big, and when it is baled and still a little moist and not dried out completely. Both of which aren't the best for good quality alfalfa hay because later cut and bigger stems means the hay has less protein and mostly fiberous stems, and baling before completely dry runs the risk of the hay getting moldy. I guess the bigger stemmed stuff is ok if you have a rabbit that will eat those thick stems. It seems easiest for me to feed my buns, the alfalfa in a bowl.

This alfalfa is really good quality horse hay. It's probably the best that I ever bought for my horse, but you can see it separates into stems and fluff.

the good kaytee alfalfa I got sometimes (or at least what the bunnies and I thought was good) was a deeper brown than the crap "sticks and fluff" cut which is more of a gray/brown + green color iirc. the stems were significantly softer and thinner, compared to the hard sticks in the crap cut. I dunno how to describe it really... it was "stickier" in that it stuck together more, but it wasn't actually sticky, if that makes any sense.

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