My Four Beautiful Girls

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paul2641 wrote:
OMG I am so sorry for your loss. I'm only thinking could these dogs possibly have been sent to your friends house to train them to kill small animals, Like you know dog fighting? I don't know do you have that in the states, But it's kinda big in Ireland?:cry1:

the same thing happened to me.... but no rabbits injured, my own dog sent this big mongerl seemed trained. it went for my dogs troat but socky was far smarted nipping heels and stuff till my da came out with wood and brinks....

but rosie,......


I'm so sorry. My hugs aren't much, but i hope they will make you and your family feel better..........
OH ROSIE!:cry2 I'm so sorry... Words can not convey how awful I feel for you. I am glad that you didn't lose them all, but to lose any is a total tragedy. I've been through a dog attack and did find that the ones I lost were from heart attack (adrenalin poisoning). My heart aches for you... wish I was closer to you to give hugs in person! Poor Em! :cry1:
Rosie....I am so indescibably sorry for your devastating losses. Please know that you are all in my prayers. Please, please, please try not to blame yourself. You COULD NOT have done anything to have prevented this. Sometimes, life just sucks, and it sounds like you guys have had your share of that lately. Please write, call, or whatever you need. I just wish we lived closer! Be in touch when you can. We love you guys, and are thinking of you.
Gee, Rosie, we are really sorry to read something this horrific. It can't be easy what you're going through right now. Stop blaming yourself and second guessing things won't do any good either. It's very hard to totally dog proof anything when you are talking about big dogs. You don't have to electrify a fence to keep them out--it does have to be sturdy and to make it jump-proof, you actually have to make it high or do a double fence with a space between the inner and outer so that they can't have enough room to make it over each one singly but far enough apart that they can't go over both fences at once. You guys and your fur babies are in our thoughts and prayers. L&N
I am so sorry to hear that this happened :( It just seems that an "I'm sorry to hear this" doesn't even come close to how I feel. I can't describe it. :tears2:

Binky free, little girls. :rainbow:
When you love someone so much; your mother, you father, your partner, your siblings, your beloved pets, it hurts so badly when you lose them, (and so unexpectedly) and you feel you have to blame yourself. The thing is- nobody else does. Everyone here will know that you protected your babies like any loving mother would, in the best way possible for your situation, and with all your heart.
I am so sorry for your loss. But you can have comfort in knowing you gave them wonderful lives, they passed on quickly, and you could have done nothing to prevent that at all.
Binky free little ones

:pink iris:
OMG Rosie, this is such a tragedy. I am so very sorry to hear about your girls. We know how much you love them and spoil them. I can only imagine how you are feeling. I am devastated for you.

God Bless, beautiful girls :cry1:

Wow, Rosie, I'm so sorry! Your poor little girls. Poor Em. I'm so sad for you. I don't want to think about how terrified they must have been. I can't believe it, half of your bunnies gone at once. I can't imagine how you're feeling right now. I hope the other four will be okay, they must have been so scared too... Did one of the dogs get ahold of Fiver through his cage? I agree with the others, don't blame yourself. You made extra sure their area was safe, but four big, determined German Shepherds would be hard to guard against :cry2

Fly free, Sweet Pea, Trixie, Flower and Cuddles. You were all beautiful, amazing girls and have earned your wings.
I always ask myself 'Why do bad things happen to good people?' its a question that cannot be answered; but those good people should think about and realise that they did everything possible to prevent those bad things happening.

I am so unbelivably sorry for you and your family, losing 1 bunny is hard enough, losing 4 seems unbearable and especially in that gruesome way :nerves1

Once again, so so sorry,

Binky Free Sweet Girlies

I am so sorry for your loss. My heart was broken when i lost one bun, I couldn't imagine loosing four of them.

I am so sorry that you have to go through this.

I hope that everybun else is doing well and also that the dogs do not return for your friends kitties.

:pray:Our thoughts are with you.
Rosie, I am so sorry for your tragic loss. Something like this happened to my neighbor's rabbit many years ago, except it was a fox. My shepherd/lab mix woke us up because she could hear the neighbor's rabbit, Fuzzy screaming. We thought it was a young child crying. My husband, then, called the police who found nothing. It took a bit to realize it was Fuzzy. The fox had figured out how to pull and twist the cage wire from the bottom. Fuzzy sustained the loss of several toes and major shock. We found out later that other outside rabbits had been terrorized by this fox.

Thereare no warningsfor something like this. It just happens unfortunately and unfairly. I so wish you lived in my area. I would have taken you and your fur-babies into my home in a heartbeat to protect you all.

Prayers to you for a new, stable life. Prayers to your fur-babies that you are still able to hug and cherish. Prayers to your fur-babies you lost that tragic night. I have no other words to express the tears I shed while reading about that night.

:pray: :hug:

Oh my god. Im just seeing this- Im so so sorry, Rosie. This is so tragic and heartbreaking for you to lose them in such a violent attack.

I know shelters are so full, but have you tried calling around to see if anyone could help you temporarily? Even if a volunteer through a rescue (or here) could foster even one temporarily it would help lighten your load.

Please let us know if theres anything we can do to help.



PS. Have you told Trixie's old mommy yet? :(
PSS I would also try to find out who owns those dogs. Im sure the owners are breaking at least a few laws by allowing the dogs to run loose like that. At the very least its destruction of personal property coming into someone's back yard and killing their pets- the owner is responsible for them. I know it wont do any good for your bunnies, but for other people's it might save a life.
That's a good point Haley
Rosie -

I came on here b/c I knew in my heart that THIS is where I would find comfort in our tragic loss. I feel your pain so strongly, as I loved Trixie so, so much. I gave her to you because of all people, I knew you loved your buns as much as I loved my Trixie-girl. It didn't matter that you were thousands of miles away across the country...YOU were the one for her. I never regretted giving Trixie up to you, and I still don't. This is truly a horrible accident that could not be prevented. Trixie and the other 3 buns had the best lives possible...much better than those sad, lonely bunnies left outside in their hutches with nothing more than a bowl of pellets and the hot sun to waste their lives away...much better than those pet store bunnies that are given to young children as pets, only to end up in a shelter - unwanted and unloved. These 4 girls knew love and tenderness and affection...they died quickly, in the midst of their happy lives. That is my consolation.
My prayers are with you and your family during this tough, tragic time.

May you forever binky in heaven, my sweet Trixie girl. I love you! :bunnyangel2:

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