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Feb 15, 2010
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Kansas City, Missouri, USA
I have tried to search the form for Bonding, but only found like 7 post, none of them are really about bonding for say. So I turned to the googler, and found more detailed information.

Can any one suggest what age I should attempt to bring in a second bunny? The pet store told me my bunny is 10 weeks old; although I think they must be mistaken that seems to young. I have read that if you try when they are too young they might unbond as they get older. I see this with fish alot, people buy them think they are okay for the first year and then all of a sudden have a predator in their tank.

I am kinda jealous now and want my own bunny, to go with my wifes bunny; I would like to do two females.

I have planed to use a wire divider for my cage 8'x4'x2.5' so they can can have separate homes but still see each other. As I really don't have a second cage for the second bunny, but I figure a 8 foot cage can be easily split into two. I planed to wait at least 2 months to give the first bunny time to get used to her new home, since she is still pretty scared having only had her for two days.

I am not sure if I will be able to take her to the pet store with me to 'pre screen' for her partner since the places I know of in Kansas City don't have a safe area to introduce them to each other. I am also not all that impressed with the selection I have found in Kansas City, as I like to go big I want a =<10lbs Bunny, seems they only sell minis.

So please any help or advice is welcome, also if you know a reputable place in the Kansas City area (64137) let me know. I am trying to do it the right way, I learned the hard way in my fish keeping hobby about diving head first and not researching.

A side note I would prefer to not have them spayed this is why I was thinking two females.
There's probably a rabbit rescue that will allow you to do bunny dating.

However, bonding two unspayed females will be next to impossible and very unstable. Females are extremely territorial when unspayed, so I wouldn't recommend even trying this. I think you will just have a lot of frustrating and potential bunny injuries. Get her spayed and then look for a nice neutered male bun to bond with her.
May I ask why you prefer to not have them spayed?

A good rabbit veterinarian normally has a very high success rate with the surgery itself. Unspayed females are said to be at high risk for uterine cancer. As well, females are highly territorial and tend to be aggressive so it generally makes for happier pets and owners when they are spayed.

Two unspayed females would bea highly risky situation. I've done it in the past but I would not do it again knowing how risky it could be. It's probably best to wait til some weeks after the first is spayed, and then introduce another bunny either male or female. I would lean towardsanother male myself although two spayed females can get along as well.

Adopting from arescue would probably be advantageous because most rescues offer 'dating' services so you can do bonding sessions with them and they usually have someone come assist as well. Also, I have personally found shelter buns to be more 'willing' to bond in general and they love attention and affection and love giving it as well. That's my own personal experience though.

Loooots of people here have experience with bunny bonding so I am sure you will get lots of help in this area :)Best of luck!
I think the statistic is upwards of 90% of unspayed female rabbits will develop uterine cancer. They also spray (which is not fun) and are really aggressive.

I would also suggest adopting from a shelter, and doing LOTS of bunny dates. If you let them choose their mate it is much, much easier to bond. I'm currently bonding my two bunnies, who I chose and it is not going well at all. They fight constantly and cannot be around each other at all because it is dangerous.

Good luck!!
Okay so spayed it will be. Thanks for the advice. Any think it will be bad to a french lop with her if they are both spayed?
I personally dont think breed matters, as long as they both r spayed, and they like each other...rescues come in handy with helping with bunny dates
Yea breed won't matter at all. I have seen Netherland dwarfs bonded with Flemish Giants.
Breed doesn't matter. I think the most important thing is to find somewhere that you can bunny date. You can go and pick up a bun friend for her, but if they hate each other you're going to have a very long and frustrating time bonding them. If you let her pick her buddy, it'll be much easier.

If you really do want to pick a bunny yourself, I would go with a neutered male. Male/female bonds tend to be easier and more stable than same-sex bonds.

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