My dog was hit by a car

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Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2004
Reaction score
Land o' buns, New Jersey, USA
My Eden puppy was hit by a car tonight.:tears2:

MrsD was walking her...she got spooked, broke free of her leash, ran in front of a car and was hit. She literaly flew across the road and ended up wedged in a storm drain.

We rushed her to the vet...same vet that takes care of my bunnies.

He said she was very lucky.
She was bright and alert when we got there....but very scared.
She's got a lot of cuts, however there are no broken bones, her heart and blood pressure are good, he can't see any internal bleeding, her lungs are good, he couldn't tell if her spleen was damaged, and he was having a hard time seeing if her bladder was okay (possibilty that it could be ruptured).
They're keeping her in intensive care overnight, giving her sub-q, pain meds, antibioticsand constant observation.
With a little luck and a lot of prayers she might be able to come home tomorrow.

MrsD and I are basket cases right now.

We can use all of the prayers that can be spared.
Oh hon I will keep you in my prayers. I have been in that situation many years ago but I still remember the horror of it all. Sandy the golden says she'll cross her paws for you and say a doggy prayer tonight.
I am so sorry,, I hope everything will be a okay... Keep us updated..
On Feb 2nd will be my 1 year since my dog got killed, We think he got ran over by an snowmoblie. He couldnt feel anything from back down. The vet said he would die over night and would have drown..
Thank you sooooo much for the prayers and good thoughts.
I can't expess how much they mean to us right now.:hug:

Eden is only two, but she's a big strong pup....big boned, too. Probably what saved her from more serious injuries.


i want my puppy home....:sigh:
am seeing this first thing in the morning for me! i am so sorry for you, i hope by nowyou nerves are a little less shredded. my choc labs are sending licks eden - pup's way and im keeping you all in my prayers.

Sorry to hear that Jim...

Sending lots of well wishes to Eden
Thanks everyone :hug:

We didn't get any calls from the vet last night, so we're hoping that everything is as ok as it can be at this point.
He told us to call at 10am (EST) for an update.....that's about 2 1/2 hours from now.

how scary, healing vibes to your dog, Please keep us updated on her condition.

It really sucks when our babies are at the doctors, all we want is them home with us. give her lots of kisses when she gets home
Keeping Eden in my thoughts!

My deaf old dog was knocked down overa year ago, thankfully it was just a broken leg and she healed. It is probably one of the scariest things ever and I know how you feel :(

Thanks for all of the good thoughts and prayers!

The vet called us this morning and told us that Eden is fine!!!!:yahoo:

He also said that it's a miracle she wasn't seriously broken bones, no internal bleeding, no trauma except for some cuts, scrapes, bumps and bruises.

She's even gone for several walks while there.
The only thing she hasn't done is pee. She's well hydrated and her bladder is full....she just doesn't want to pee. The vet said that it may just be that she's anxious about the unfamiliar surroundings, smells, noises, people, etc.
He said he would most likely send her home today and have us come back if any complications develop.

Now we just have to wait until he calls us to come get her. Hopefully it will be in an hour or so.

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