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Aug 12, 2015
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Is it a bad thing if I only have one rabbit? I take care of mine very well and give him attention and play with him daily. I just saw someone compare owning a single rabbit to animal cruelty because they're social animals and need company. I'm just worried I'm doing harm to him by not adopting another rabbit.
Rabbit can stay by themselves but most owners like to have 2 so when your at work or school your bunny isn't bored :) I am a breeder and shower and have a lot 11+ and still have time for all of them and most have a bonded pair :)

I have found that if you have 1 bunny you have bonded with and want another rabbit then bond with that rabbit and then bond them together (sorry if that didn't make sense)

Also it costs more money and you might have to spray or neuter one (unless you adopt from a shelter they usually are desexed). Also the other gender would be best to bond so male/female, female/male but same gender can be done :)

Good luck keep us updated! :)
There is nothing wrong only having a single bunny providing you provide lots of regular attention like you say you do.

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