(More) Questions about Neutering

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A & B

Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2018
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Okay, so I believe I have chosen a vet to do Bugs' neuter. I met her and we talked briefly about rabbit neutering (it was my dog's appointment but I figured I would bring it up anyway). She stressed the main risk is anesthesia and she seemed to know her stuff. The questions I can't seem to find the answers to are:
1. He free roams. Does he have to be kept in his x pen while he recovers and if so, for how many days?
2. Should I have critical care?
3. How many weeks until he can begin bunny dating?
4. What should I expect? (Behavior, eating, pooping/peeing)
5. Is there anything I can do to prepare him for the surgery/recovery? (Practice syringe feeding with applesauce, getting him used to being kept caged all day again?
6. Will I have to stay home from school with him for a day or two to monitor him? This will depend on the day he gets neutered obviously.
Thank you in advance!!!
1. Yes, you should limit your rabbits space while he is recovering so he doesn’t open the incision.
2. I would recommend getting critical care just in case, though you will likely not need to use it. It’s better to be over prepared.
3. Vets recommend waiting 2-4 weeks before bunny dating because the hormones will not immediately go away.
4. Your bunny likely won’t act like their normal selves for the first 48 hours, which is normal. So I recommend giving your bunny some space. Otherwise, if your bunny has unusual urine, poop, or eating habits, contact your vet asap.
5. You don’t have to practice syringe feeding, but it wouldn’t hurt. Having your bunny spend time in a cage would be beneficial.
6. I don’t think you will have to stay home from school. But I would recommend monitoring your rabbit for the first few hours, if this means missing a chunk of school, then yes.

if you have any more questions, don’t hesitate to ask!
Thank you!
Bugs had a vet appointment today and we scheduled his neuter. He will be getting neutered this Monday. I do have another question: should I bring some of his favorite veggies with when I drop him off? He won't be staying overnight but I read that. it is good to get his gi tract going right away and offering favorite foods is a good way to do that. If I should bring veggies should I have hay too?
I would not practice syringe feeding with applesauce or he may be disappointed if you have to feed him critical care (if he's expecting yummy applesauce). Just remember when syringe feeding to not put it directly in his mouth but in the cheek area between cheek and teeth/gums. That way he won't choke on it.

Hormones can take as much as 6-8 weeks to fully dissipate. Don't rush the introductions. Hormones can wreak havoc.

Here is more post-operative care info from the House Rabbit Society:

What pre- and post-operative care should one give?
Some rabbit people give their rabbit acidophilus for a couple of days prior to surgery, just to be certain that the digestive system is functioning in fine form. But don’t change the diet it any way during this time.

After the surgery, ask your veterinarian for pain medication, especially for a spay. If you choose, continue giving acidophilus until the appetite has returned to normal.

Inspect the incision morning and evening. After a neuter, the scrotum may swell with fluids. Warm compresses will help, but it is nothing to be overly concerned about. With any sign of infection, take the rabbit to the veterinarian immediately.

After surgery, keep the environment quiet so the rabbit doesn’t startle or panic, don’t do anything to encourage acrobatics, but let the rabbit move around at her own pace– she knows what hurts and what doesn’t

Some veterinarians keep rabbits overnight. If your veterinarian lets you bring your bunny home the first night, note the following:

  • Most males come home after being neutered looking for “supper”– be sure they have pellets, water, and some good hay (good, fresh alfalfa is a good way to tempt them to nibble a bit)
  • Most females want to be left alone, are not interested in eating at all, and will sit quietly in a back corner of the cage (or wherever in the house they feel they will be bothered the least). Try not to pick up or bother her much for the first 4 days. Females take it harder.
The following morning, or at latest by the next evening, it is important for the rabbit to be nibbling something. It doesn’t matter what or how much, as long as she is taking in something, so the digestive tract won’t shut down. If she isn’t, tempt her with everything possible, and as a last resort, make a mush of rabbit pellets (1 part pellets, 2 parts water, run through blender thoroughly, add acidophilus, and feed in pea-sized bits with a feeding syringe through the side of the mouth with them sitting upright). But this should not be necessary if you give them their favorite Italian parlsey, a piece of banana, dandelion green, cold, fresh greens, washed, and you hold it for them. They should start nibbling on it.
Thank you so much!

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