Monty, my [big] baby bunny 2012

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I brought home a treat for Monty the other day--a really sturdy fabric bolt! Most of the bolts at work are folded cardboard, but there are some like this that are boxy-er and very sturdy. Monty promptly attacked it :)

My boys have some soda boxes they use as tunnels to run through so seeing Monty in a soda box really brings home how big she is!
@ Christina. LOL. I don't think Monty will be running through any soda boxes anytime soon! That is so funny, to think of the size difference between all of our rabbits. Missy probably thinks our rabbits are like mice and I think Monty is the size of a small dog. hahaa.
Those pictures of her in the soda box are too funny!!! I could not stop laughing :)
As I was poking around on my phone looking for a video I have somewhere of Monty binkying (which has apparently been moved to my computer that's at home), I found a video of her with one of the newer playthings I've given her, a Frisbee! This video was recorded on 11/30, when she was about 6.5 months old. I need to crop a bit of the end of the video off, because she kinda wanders off and doesn't play with the frisbee a third time, but I'll fix that tomorrow. It's almost time to travel back to "reality"... :(

Enjoy, while I fly home from CA to see my baby :)

it always amuses me when they try to pull something up with their mouth while holding it down with their front feet, lol. video is too cute - makes me want to track down a frisbee for my girls!
Missy, I am so loving Monty, I saw you posted on my blog with a photo and then saw yours and just had to read it from start to finish. I also loved all the videos of her. She is so gorgeous and I can't believe the size of her, she must eat like a horse...well, compared to my little ones. I so love those ears, I still can't believe the size of them and I've seen all the photos and videos. They must be a world record. I wonder what the world record is for the biggest bunny ears.

Never seen any of the flemishes over here, at least not sold in pet stores and don't know if they are local breeders. You've made me think about it now so I'm going to have a look. She's enormous and I also love her cutie tail. :adorable:

She certainly is so close to you, looks like you have a great relationship with her and she obviously trusts you. I love when she makes her own space. It reminds me of Houdini. I put all the blankets, towel and other things neatly in the enclosure and he sets about to re-arrange everything how he likes it.

So glad I've found you here and waiting for more Monty tales. By the way, love the name, being British I'm a great Monty Python fan.
Chrisdoc I think that if you looked up english lop rabbits then you would be shocked at how long rabbits ears can get. Those rabbits ears have to be a minimum of 20something inches long to be shown.
Must have a look...I am just fascinated by these ears....can she fly lol. And she´s big, can´t imaging having a bun that big but I just love her.
Missy, I hope you made it home safely and gave Monty a big hug! I bet she was excited to see you!
Hope you had a good vacation/get away!
My time away was indescribably awesome. I was so reluctant to come home and back to reality. But here I am, and happy I'm back with my bunnybutt :) She seems to have forgotten how much she loves licking my pants, but my boyfriend can't fit in the space on the side of her cage where I sit to say good morning and good night, so she just went over a week without that special time.

Oh, and weirdly enough, she peed on the kitchen floor for the first time ever last night. I'm puzzled, but I also understand her hormones are probably kicking in and I need to get her spayed soon. Kinda scared though...I miss Foo :(

Pics soon, once I get them all together from my Christmas trip.
I miss Foo too :(

I'm having computer issues so I've been using the ps3 to look at RO. And looking at Monty on a 32inch hdtv is definitely the bees knees! Its like she's here with me size wise. lol she's such a pretty girl. :) :dutch
Thanks, Morgan! That made my day :) OH, that and Monty snuggled with my pants and licked them a bunch today. Back in the swing of things, it seems. She keeps trying to eat the drawstring on my new snuggly Hello Kitty pants, but hasn't been able to damage it even if I let her bite it hard a couple times before I tell her no. She picked it up by accident the first time and it took me a second to realize, then she pulled on it and started untying me. Oh noes! hehehe, sometimes it's so cute when bunnies are mischeivous :)
Oh, I know. My rabbits are always going after the drawstrings on my hoodies or pj's! It's like they have this obsession with strings! I'm always having to shoo them away.

It's always so sweet to get bunny kisses, even if it is just indirectly on your pants. She seems like a sweet bun :) I really love the pictures of her when she's flopped out on the ground right next to you.
Ellie loves my zippers and my drawstrings too! It MUST be a bunny thing. I have a pait of zebra striped fuzzy thick pj pants and they have really thick strings on them, Ellie pulled them out of the wash hamper and is now laying on them and she is pulling the strings. hahaha. She's crazy!
Yeah, definitely a bunny thing, Snowy was trying to chew the zipper on my fleece last night and they all love the strings on my jogging pants or the tops.
Good news, everyone! I got a couple new videos of Monty that I'm rather giddy about. First, I nabbed one of her shaking her ears loudly. Secondly, I took one while she was flopped out in the Mountain Dew box. And last but not least, we have a tribute to Qtip, with Monty and the Blackberry!

"Monty and the Noisy Ears"

"Monty Dew"

"Monty and the Blackberry"

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