Monty, my [big] baby bunny 2012

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Little Miss Big Ears has a new video! I started filming because she was just standing there, which she's never done before. She usually periscopes briefly, then drops back down and goes about her business, but last night she was just standing around, ha! I also reintroduced her to her Quikrete tube, so she goes for a couple runs through it. Watch closely for her standing up for kisses from my boyfriend, too :p


PS: To embed a video, just paste the whole url to it, and when you hit Preview Post or Submit Reply, it embeds like magic! (That's all I did above, no coding or tags at all, and this is what it did) :)

Thank you, Morgan!

And now for some pics:

The return of the tofu helmet! (I wish the pic wasn't so dark. My b/f isn't as good at phone-tography as I think I am) :p

I gave her collard greens for the first time last night. She YANKED the whole leaf into her cage when I let her take a sniff, and started munching away.

I think it's safe to say she loves them! Here's what happened in less than two minutes:

"The toy box was in MY SPOT, but don't worry, I moved it!"

Floor snuggles with ear pulls (and tooth purrs!):

She's getting so long! Side by side comparison:
She's gorgeous! I've been working with my two to get them to periscope on command, but they're not nearly as tall as your Monty.
Big bunny periscoping is hilarious! She looks so inquisitive! I adore Monty!! I'll have to try to give the Tipper some collard greens...they've got the Monty seal of approval....
Every time I look at Monty I get so jealous of you! I love giant bunnies. I love their giant ears and their long tails. She is so beautiful! And she does look so happy and comfortable!
Thanks guys! Qtip, I hope you're not too picky, because Monty seems to mow down any new green I give her. I'm pretty amazed. The only things she isn't too sure of right now are carrots (ha) and swiss chard (although she was only offered the rib of the leaf with a little green on it, and she ate the green). Oh and she LOVES fresh cranberries. I slipped her one while I was putting together whole berry cranberry sauce and she devoured it. I set aside a handful in the freezer so I can give her one now and then :)
I just read your hole blog from beginning to end, and it was great :) She is soo huge. Are you going to get her spayed? My rabbits love their collard greens as well. I just got some more today even. They were looking really great and in a big bunch at HEB (a Texas grocery store).
She is getting SO long!!! I love that she lays down right next to you like that. She seems like such a happy and content bun. It is hysterical how she moves things out of the way to lay down. Funny bunny :)
Happy 12/12/12! Today is especially important to me because it means Monty is officially 7 months old! Too bad I have to run off to work soon :( I did capture a video of her little tongue loving on me when I went to say good morning:


Oh my goodness, she really went crazy on your pants! hahaha. She loves you so much! OR she knows what frosted flakes are and she really wanted the frosted flakes. lol
She is sooo cute!!!!
I got your card today! I was opening it in the car while driving and I was like 'wtf just fell out of the card!' then I looked and it was tiny snowflake confetti!
Adorable card and confetti!
I sent snow from Chicago! (even though we haven't had any accumulation this month)

Something totally hilarious happened last night!!!

Let me introduce you to... MONTY DEW




Yep, totally flopped and everything. She walked in there all by herself, and I didn't get pics until the second time she did it. I love this bunny!

She's hilarious!!! What a place to nap! A nice snug crawly hole. I'm surprised that big bun can even squeeze into there :)
wow, she's gotten SO BIG!! I love her random spastic moments in that first video where you reintroduced the tunnel. the second video of her licking your pants reminds me of Hurricane (one of my gliders) - she'll just lick and lick and lick me, lol.

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