Mom fell today and I'm flying home on Saturday to get her into a nursing home (we hope)

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2005
Reaction score
, Texas, USA
My mom fell last week and got a black eye from it - and never told me.

My uncle called me about 45 minutes ago and said that mom fell again (in the bathroom) and she crawled into the bedroom to get the phone and call her friend - who came over AND called Uncle Hallie.

They feel I need to come home ASAP to deal with this - there are decisions to be made that they feel I should make and she will probably have to go into a nursing home and have her apartment cleaned out.

I'm figuring I'll be gone 2-3 weeks and probably going stir crazy too.

I will be here till late Friday night and then leaving early Saturday morning - and I'm only buying a one-way ticket as we have no idea when I'll be able to come home.

Just had to share....

One of the worst parts - what am I gonna do without my flemmies to help me stay sane?

I am so sorry to hear that. I know that it is hard for our parents or other loved ones to realize that they are getting older and can't take care of themselves as they once did.

On the bunny part... Just know that they are being well cared for. I know how it feels. I had to move my bunz to a friends house over a month ago, and I still have one heck of a time dealing with the fact that I can't see my babies every day, and care for them, and cuddle with them... But, I know that my friend is taking the very best care for them, while I can't right now and that they are happy and healthy... That has made it a little easier. :D Melinda
Hugs x 100

Wishing you the best of luck, hope things go smoothly.
Sorry to hear about your mom. You might want to contact a geriatric social worker and her doctor to have her assessed as tothe amount ofcare she may need. She may do all right in an assisted living setting with some supervision.

I'm not sure what her financial status (not really my business) but if she has any assests the facility will want to use that up first before going on Medicaid. Check with facility or the social worker.
pla725 wrote:
Sorry to hear about your mom. You might want to contact a geriatric social worker and her doctor to have her assessed as tothe amount ofcare she may need. She may do all right in an assisted living setting with some supervision.

I'm not sure what her financial status (not really my business) but if she has any assests the facility will want to use that up first before going on Medicaid. Check with facility or the social worker.

Thanks for the information - we're already researching that. I think she's going to be allowed to keep most of her savings (about $10,000) - I've been reading about Maine's rules on that...and of course I will be talking to the nursing home, etc.

I really don't think she could do well in an assisted living setting - she is falling a lot now from what I'm hearing - plus she can barely dress herself without falling over and she's not eating or taking her meds for her Alzheimer's. I spoke to her today and then 10 minutes later she mentioned something to my aunt about how she wished she could talk to me and how I never call...and if she can't remember that for 10 minutes....its pretty bad.

I really do NOT want to go home for this. I'm going to miss the forum so much.

Oh no!! So sorry to hear this, Peg. :( It's really tough.

And the forum is going to miss YOU so much.

Don't forget to take care of YOURSELF.

sas :hugsquish:
Best wishes peg, both of you will be in my thoughts. I hope you can get her set up somewhere nice.
Oh dear, Peg, I am so very hard to hear about this.
My sister and I had to consider this with my mother, even though she didn't have Alzheimer's, she was falling a lot and had once been found passed out from internal bleeding.
Fortunately my brother and his wife were able to be close enough to keep an eye on her - but I know the tremendous strain it can put on you.

you're in my prayers
Spoke to Peg she is safe and sound. Staying at her uncles so she should stay sane.

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