Mocha's Eye

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May 15, 2014
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Hi there you all, when I found my little Mocha on the highway, she had this film like stuff over her eye. It was like the top layer of her eye was peeling off (only way I know to describe it). Anyway, after a few days it went away and her eye was as clear as the other one.
I just noticed today that it is getting it again, but just seems like it is right over the cornea or pupil.... not sure if you can tell from this pic or not....
Any idea what it might be?? Since she was found outside abandoned on a highway I know nothing about her past.
Anybody have any idea what this is and what I need to do for it??? And if this is happening again will it continue to happen throughout her life??


If the film is moving around, it's likely just a bit of mucus, perhaps with some fur in it, stuck to her cornea. If it's *not* moving around, it could be a corneal ulcer, and that would need veterinary treatment for proper healing, and to prevent it from getting worse.

If it's just a bit of guck, you can use sterile ophthalmic saline (available at any good drug store; do NOT use contact lens cleaning solution! They look very similar in packaging.), warmed for a few seconds in the microwave so it's just lukewarm (test it on the inside of your arm) and squirted gently across her cornea so it washes out. But if it's not bothering her, she will probably just groom it out herself once it migrates to a corner.
Thanks for all that. It isnt moving around, it is in the middle of her eye just like it was when I found her. Then whatever it was peeled off and came out. I got up one morning and went to get her for the vet, it was gone and all clear.
I guess I will need to see about getting her to a vet then to be on the safe side.

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