Missing in Action :(

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Rachael - Member
Sep 18, 2013
Reaction score
New Zealand
My baby Oscar has gone missing. :(

I was away at a horse show last weekend, Only for a few days. Oscar had unlimited pellets and hay, lots of water and grass, and my mother was bunny-sitting him for the few days I was away. She was going to keep an eye on him, and check his water etc.

Apparently he had been happily in his run up until Monday afternoon. That's when Mum last saw him. I came home Monday night, went to visit him and give him his favourite treat of Parsley, But when I got to his cage, the door was wide open and there was no happy little bunny meeting me at the gate. I have no idea where he has gone. I live on a decent sized lifestyle block, surrounded by farms - so he really could be anywhere! I must have left the gate unlocked when I fed him before I left. I know it can be easily done, because he is so friendly and docile, he likes to nibble just outside the gate and hop all over you when you are in the run. I've done it once before, but luckily he just hoped around the lawn until I noticed - and tempted him back in with treats.

I feel horrible. I've walked everywhere, called all the neighbours, left food and water out, and called for him every day. He has been missing for 6 days today, and my hope of him returning for a treat is slowly disappearing. :(

I really pray he will come home, and I'll keep calling and looking for him. I left the run gate open hoping he'll find his way back for food. I just hope he is safe and not terrified out of his mind! I miss you little Oscar! :(

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Oh, Rachael, I'm so sorry to hear about Oscar. :( He looks and sounds like such a sweet little bun.

I hope he returns to you soon.

Have you called local shelters or even vets just to make sure no one has turned in a rabbit? You might also put up fliers if you haven't - I know you talked to the neighbors, but it's possible someone passing through the neighborhood found him and picked him up.

When looking for him, dawn and dusk are the best times to search, since it's when they're most active. You could also talk to shelters or animal control about renting a humane trap or two. I know here, they want the cost of the trap (usually $60-80 USD) as a deposit, but you get the money back when you return the trap(s). You could bait them with a small amount of something very smelly and tasty like banana or some other fruit and leave them out near wooded areas that he might hide in. Putting a towel or blanket over all but the opening of the trap can make it look less "suspicious" (a trick I learned when I took a class with the TNR (trap-neuter-release) program for stray cats) and would also keep him a little safer once he's trapped. You'd want to check the traps every hour or two at least and bring them in before bed.

He's a real cutie - I hope he finds his way home soon!
Thankyou so much for your thoughts and advice! I will definitely ring the animal shelters around. My mum works at the vets, so she'll keep an ear out. However living in the country, it's quite unlikely he'll be found, driven into town, and handed in. Maybe a farmer will spot his big white socks hopping around and give me a call!

Thankyou again x

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