Lucy's Licks

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Saudade wrote:
Ha! This is a *great* picture!! Lucy is a lovely bun :)
Oh my....I've just seen your blog for the first time (not sure how I missed it) - I love the photos and the layout - but I also enjoy reading about you & your life.

I hope the number for your scores turned out good...and I really hope you find Lucy a great home soon.

Keep up the blogging!
Awwww so many cute pictures of Lucy

You put so much time into your updates!!!!!!!!1

:headflick:Lucy's Licks!:headflick:
[/align][align=center][line][/align][align=left]Listening to: What You Don't Know - Jonatha Brooke (Dollhouse Theme)
Eating: Popcorn
Drinking: Pepsi Max
Watching: Anime
Playing: Left 4 Dead
Quote of the day: What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets - Dracula (Castlevania: Symphony of the Night)
[/align][align=left]Lyrics of the day:
The sandy haired son of Hollywood
Lost his faith in all that's good
Closed the curtain, unplugged the clock
Hung his clothes on the shower rod
But he never got undressed
And no, he never made a mess

It's funny how life turns out
The odds of faith in the face of doubt
Camera One closes in
The soundtrack starts
The scene begins
[align=left] o/`
Camera One - Josh Joplin Group
[/align][align=left][line][/align][align=center]:bunnydance:General Blog Banter!:bunnydance:
[/align]Now please don't be afraid my friends, I have no travelled forward in time! No, my friends, I am not speaking to you from the future nor am I looking for Sarah Connor. I am infact pre-empting tomorrow's blog post and starting on it early, so if you see this blog updated before the 18th, do not fear.

P.s. We have hovercars.

In other news it looks like my vow to update this blog daily is actually going to work? I know what you're thinking, "What are you talking about?" "Do I know you?" "Where's the bathroom?" "Does my butt look fat in this?".

Do not worry, I am thinking the same things!
[line][align=center]:yahoo:Life! The Universe! And Everything In Between!:yahoo:
[/align]So I got my full marks back today, my ranking against the entire state and it was quite disappointing, it looks like I won't be getting in to psychology.

Boo hoo.

Okay I'm over it, it does however look like I will get in to the Drama Teaching course that I wanted to do! Finally my dreams will come true, I can stand in front of a class of young children and tell them.

"Listen to me now children, for I shall impart unto you the knowledge that I have gained in these years, firstly the sky is the limit, if you study and apply yourself you shall one day achieve everything you want. Also you can't breathe in space, so don't try to go above the sky. Secondly, never let someone convince you that it's "cool" to do something, especially if that something involves copious amounts of alcohol and a sheep. And finally, never use a public restroom seat."

These are my dream to pass on the knowledge that I've spent my life discovering, and maybe I might be able to inspire some kids to be creative. Oh and you know also maybe teach them Drama. That'd probably be important too...

So I know what a lot of you are thinking now, Dave, who would honestly let you near anybody under the age of 18 for more than ten minutes. Now I'm glad you asked that question, because I have no idea either.

I spent today sleeping from 6am till 1pm... Yeah I have an awesome sleep schedule, I can thank all of the lovely forum members for this sleep schedule.

I also bought a new wii game and a new wii controller for a wii that I won't get for another 8 days! This is ridiculous, a man should not have to wait that long, I can grow a beard in a shorter amount of time.

This brings me to the topic of beards, as many of you know my beard is one of the most wonderful things in the world, it has curative properties, just looking at it clears up acne, touching it will cure your arthritis and it has been rumoured snuggling in to it cures old age itself. There have been some rumours spreading amongst women that beards are dirty and disgusting, I would like to stop these rumours now and tell you that a beard is a beautiful thing, it is soft and ticklish and snuggly.

Also you know, some girls out there really like beards.

And they're hot.

Really hot.

I would also like to make a point that the rumour "Underneath Chuck Norris's Beard there is another beard" this rumour is false, in fact it was originally a truthful statement of "Underneath Chuck Norris's Beard there is simply Dave's Beard.".

[line][align=center]:dutchLucy's Word:dutch[/align][align=left]I've discovered the ridiculousness of this section of my blog, and I thought I might share it with you now. Lucy has one word, that word is NOW. I have discovered this is the biggest part of her vocabulary.[/align]See Lucy believes everything should be hers, right NOW. if she wants food she wants it NOW. If she wants fresh water she wants it NOW. If she wants to play she wants it NOW. If her owner is bugging her and being stupid she wants me to leave her alone NOW.

Now this might seem strange, but it is true, I tend to flesh out what she says to me, but truly it is just. NOW.

I shall end this section NOW.
[align=center]:rant:Dave's Rant!:rant:
[/align]Yet another day without a rant, honestly I'm just too mellow to rant at the moment. If you want a rant send me an idea or something or just kick me in the shin.
[line][align=center]:cameraPhoto Lounge!:camera
There are people who believe a photo captures your soul.
For them this is a terrible thing.
For me it’s one last chance.
[/align][align=center]Click the pictures to see them bigger![/align][align=center]Rabbit Rampage
[/align][align=center]Lucy was let out for a bit this afternoon and had some fun bounding around.
The photos today were chosen by nicolevins[/align][align=center]
[align=center]:ph34r2Final thoughts!:ph34r2

[/align]Starting this blog much earlier, or travelling in to the future has greatly helped me get this done on time. You should try it, personally I use a hamster powered flux capacitor.

Also please leave comments if you read this! I love to hear your opinions, your thoughts everything!

Also if you could try not to quote any of my old pics with Lucy in it when they were MASSIVE that'd be great too. Sorry I'm kinda insane about my neatness!

Except now I have an overwhelming urge for popcorn and I have to go to bed.

But I'm impressed by the blog.

And that you have such a good comprehension of Lucy-speak. (It's a common lagomorph dialect). :)
i see no hover cars....i feel so disappointed!!

and i really hope you never lead a kid to insanity by tellin them about sheep and alcohol
Good blog post!
Hmmm, I wonder what kind of hot girls like beards?! :p
I'm ranting about the fact you don't have anything to rant about...


By the way - I love it when my husband grows out his beard. But it hasn't cured old age for me - must be cause I'm not hot!
My cousin lovesss beards.
She wants to move to Australia someday to be around rugged men with beards.
Well at least that is her take on Australia.
jessicalovesjesse wrote:
My cousin lovesss beards.
She wants to move to Australia someday to be around rugged men with beards.
Well at least that is her take on Australia
If she wants rugged men with beards she needs to come to NZ haha, our mean are much more manly than the aussie sorts :p Hows Lucys hunt Dave? I called MAF to see how much it would cost.....Andlucky me I got a rabbit hater on the phone who believedthey're "rodents" I informed her they're actually lagomorphs lol she didn't like me after that and suggested $600 :shock:
Sorry no update today guys as I am currently at a friends place and haven't seen Lucy all day.

Hopefully she is inside, asleep after enjoying a good meal.

If she isn't she's outside, cold... but atleast she's eaten and has something to drink out there.

great now I'm worrying.
beards are cool.

that is all I have to say on the subject.

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