Lots of questions about motherhood!

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May 3, 2017
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Hello! I'm new here, so I'm sorry if this post belongs somewhere else or already exists. My bun Clover had a surprise litter on the 23rd. She had 3 Sunday and a still born Monday. The runt didn't make it :( We've been feeding her alfalfa hay and her regular pellets. She's eating like crazy! Also, the last day or so we've been mixing in a little timothy hay. Is this okay? Can she have both? Her stools before the babies was mostly regular with more frequent cecotropes. Now she's pooping like a mad woman with more cecotropes. Is this normal? She also has reddish orange colored urine. Should I worry? I'm guessing it's because of the change of hay? Finally, I noticed she seems to be breathing faster the last two days and it's really making me nervous. Her belly also seems to still be a little firm, which also really makes me nervous. Is it normal for new mother rabbits to have firm bellies for a while? I will appreciate any input because I'm a nervous wreck! *nervous laugh*
Can't say about the belly because I never noticed on ours, but the eating like crazy is normal. Both kinds of hay are fine and unlimited pellets, and she'll drink more water, too.
What about the really fast breathing? That really has me freaked out. I've read that it could be her being over heated trying to make milk?
We are inside! I'm not sure the exact temperature of the room as she's in a bedroom. I think it's cold but my fiance said it's really warm?
She's calmed down quite a bit. Not really sure what was going on. Hopefully, she's alright. We are just keeping an eye on her now. We did call the vet and he told us to just keep an eye on her and watch for nasal discharge.
She's calmed down quite a bit. Not really sure what was going on. Hopefully, she's alright. We are just keeping an eye on her now. We did call the vet and he told us to just keep an eye on her and watch for nasal discharge.

I've never bred rabbits, but I've bred other small animals, and many mothers get stressed and anxious after a litter and can breath quickly. I call it the 'new litter panic attack'. You'd probably be a bit frustrated with a bunch of babies wanting to latch onto you. Give her a place to get away from the babies and she'll probably calm down. Many small animal mothers don't stay with their babies all the time. Check the babies bellies; round bellies equal well fed, so no worries.

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