Let's see your cutest bun pictures!

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I know you've heard this a million times already, but those ears!! My heart!! He's so lovely. :)

Luna and Teddy are really cute, too! Teddy also has some impressive ears!
TO MUCH CUTENESS! I'm gonna die :happyrabbit: :adorable:

random> :elvis2:
Everybun is so beautiful! So much eye candy for me. :popcorn2
Delilah the snorckling bunny cracks me up! And Ollie is a poofaloomp that looks like he was put in the dryer without a dryer sheet LOL
Here are Nutmeg (aged 11, on the left) and Betty (aged 7). They have been together for just over 5 years and adore each other


This (below) was taken when they were newly bonded


And here they're doing a spot of sunbathing in the garden

These are some of my bunnies. Two are therapy rabbits.

Ok Ldydi07 You just won the internets! That's just too squeeing cute!

I would love to know about your therapy buns. I actually asked about it not long ago and got no response, so I just chalked it up that nobody here had buns that they used for therapy. Would you message me and tell me how this works? I have an eLop with a personality that I think would be perfect for therapy. He's a little lover and I would love to share him with those who could be made happy with soft pet and a sweet bunny kiss. Would you mind hitting me up in PM?