Just need to vent--still very p'od

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Jul 1, 2007
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Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
My mother passed on March 6, 2010. Didn't find out from my wonderful sister that she'd been sick since October of 2009 and had finally passed till the end of June, 2010. She claims she didn't have any contact info for us--birthday cards, xmas cards, mothers' day etc. all had the address and I'd called and left several messages. The reason she didn't let me know and sent an E mail to our son in June (how could she send something if she didn't have our contact?) is I guess it took her that long to clean out the house and banks and sell everything off. I'd like to punch her in the nose but don't feel like traveling 650 miles. Funny that she finally got in contact with our son after I sent a mothers day card and she'd gotten the birthday card I'd sent as her birthday was July 2nd and I always send them early. Wonder what happened to the presents and gift cards I sent?:soapbox:mad::banghead
I'm sorry for your loss as well as for you having to go through this situation.

Family can be the worst and with them who needs enemies?

I unfortunately can believe that someone would do that but eventually karma will catch up with her.
It's scary that someone you grew up with could turn around and be so selfish and thoughtless! I feel for you.
My condolences for the loss of your mother. I feel for you with the situation with your sister. I hope that your mother died in peace & not knowing what your sister was doing or going to do. It is horrible when a child will be so selfish & uncaring to her/his family as to steal money & not help their parents when the parent(s) are so ill & needing their help. And even worse when the state condones the child's stealing from their parents while they are in a facility trying to recover from a stroke or other serious medical condition & unable to understand or fight for the money they earned & need for their own medical expenses.
My mother lived with her when she got sick and was there til she had to go to hospice which was only three weeks according to my aunt. I'm the executor of the estate, so I guess I could have had the D A go after her, but since she knows she's guilty of being a selfish butthole I'll never hear from her again. She was always that way and it was my father's fault as he always did everything for her and her daughter--I used to be pissed at my mom for never saying anything which is why we probably moved so far away and I'd only hear from family when they wanted me to give them money--notice I didn't say loan because a loan is supposed to be paid back.
Sorry to hear what is happening to you. Things like this seems very common. Our neighbor who lived at home and caring for her mother, is in a situation where other members of the family that we never saw or knew of, is battling for the house and belongings when the mother passed away.
That's absolutely awful. I can't even begin to imagine how that must feel. Unfortunately I've heard of far too many similar instances where parents have passed and one or two siblings completely stuff the others around.
She always got everything from our father so it's no surprise she thinks she's entitled to everything. I left home the day after I graduated High School and never looked back. Later on I even think my father was jealous at how well I was doing, especially compared to my wonderful sister. They gave my sister first dibs on everything with the rationalization "you don't really need it and they have it so hard". Yeah, I work almost 100 hours a week and all they do is get drunk and do drugs so they don't have anything and I'm supposed to feel sorry for her and her deadbeat husband. The funniest thing was at my wedding--my dad tried to hand off my sisters baby daughter to my "Oklahoma" grandmother and her reply to him was, "I'm not gonna hold that bastard". Basically, I hate just about all of my family as the only time I hear from them is when they want me to give them money--they say loan, but you're supposed to pay those back and some of them are more than 4 decades overdue. At least I'll never have to hear from her again.
I understand completely what you are going through with your family. My family is basically the same way. The only time I hear from the majority of them is when they want something from me. You are better off without them, look how far you have come, keep up the good work and they will be the ones who are jealous of you. If you hear from any of your family and they want something from you, you could always tell them no and that you cannot afford to give them anything.

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