I too have heard that phrase said to me manytimes...'But it's just a rabbit!', and have always cringed upon hearing it. Yet I tend to smile secretly inside, as I know that my 'just a rabbit's have shared with me an enormous amount of love throughout the years. And what I do love more than anything else about this forum is that it has brought together so many people who share that one special bond with such a unique creature...the rabbit, who (to so many) don't understand them or give themselves the chance to get to know them.
To those who say, 'Rabbits don't do anything'...tell that to my Anna, who was tearing around the house last evening, flying across the back of the sofa at breakneck speed, constantly terrorizing my over-exasperated dog (a dog who has been forced to begrudgingly accept this hairy, long-eared thingwhich should be a snack -in her dogdom rules -is now one of her siblings), and overall having a blast. Tell it to all the bunnies who fling their toys, playfetch, hide-and-seek, and so many other games with their human companions.
To those who say, 'Rabbits aren't the brightest bulb in the animal kingdom'...tell that to Rufus, a bunny I had a few years ago. That little guy was the Houdini of lagomorphs, and could escape anything he was put into. Tell it to the bunny I had when I was a teen who learned to roll over, sit up, and lie down on command, or to the NZ I had (Sam) who could put any animal who ventured into his yard in its place. Tell it to Darcy, a champagne D'argent I'd rescued from her fate as someone's dinner...she knew she'd been saved, and she showed her appreciation for the rest of her life.
To those who say, 'Rabbits aren't affectionate'...tell that to the plethora of bunnies who have graced my path over the many years...to Thumper,who snuggled next to me when I was enduring abuse as a child, and would sleep with me every night...to Anna, whose nudges with her nose are a constant reminder of her desire to be stroked and petted...to Scooby, who would run to the door of his hutch to greet mewhenever I'd go out to see the bunnies...to Sweet, my Holland lop doe who would melt at my touch...to Raph, who - when he could still get around on his own - would be like my shadow, following me everywhere, placing his head on my lap for nose scritches, wanting his belly rubbed, falling asleep in my arms, who still, even duringtimes of pain, expresses his love...
To those who say, 'It's just a rabbit'....I say...'I'm so sorry you haven't allowed yourself to open your heart to one of the mostwonderful gifts Godhas given to us...this giftcomes wrapped in the most delicate and beautiful- yetstrong-package; it is easily misunderstood, yet constantly forgiving us our errors; it is amusing and energetic, if only given a chance...and, if only you could see...this 'just a rabbit'is God's love, personified.'
Here's to all the 'just a rabbit's in the world...from those who have wonderful, fulfilled, love-enriched lives, to those who really are treated as 'just a rabbit'. May they all somedayfind their own special someone who will love them as deeply as they are capable of loving in return...