JimD's Warren

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I LuV MaH BuNs

Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2004
Reaction score
Some where, New Jersey, USA

How old does this little one look? Please, it would be a huge help!

Very hard to tell from the blurry photo, but he appears to be from 3-4 weeks of age.

He could have been eight weeks of age, but just appears younger to me.

I'm so sorry for your loss -- I know it must be hard when you think of him.


Helllooooo Danielle! :dude:

What cute Pictures! Is that Binky? How's he settling in with the others?

So glad to see you, Kiddo!

I love the portrait pictures of you, and my favorite is the one you're begging your father with your eyes in the Boathouse Bunny Party. Also the one of Mr. Woody Pet that Christine created are all must-haves in this thread.


they are the same bunnie ellie!!


carolyn, she is getting alone fine besides the one chunk smore took out of her ear!!


Lets play a game... Can YOU find the Brindle in the picture below?


Poor Smore! :(

Oh Binky!! :X Bad Bad Bad!

How's Smore's ear? Are you treating it with anything? If it's open, you might want to put a bit of hydrogen peroxide on the little love to make sure it's clean.

If you guys don't have any NutriCal in the house, I strongly recommend you get some. It's great to have in case they go off their feed, are hurting, need a boost for their immune system, or help stimulate their appetite. If you do have some, I'd give Smore an inch or 1/2 tonight.

It certainly didn't take Binky long to start bossin, did it?

Now, as to the game...I'm not seein Brindle Bear. Did you put her in there??? You're really pushing my eyesight for this one.

Gotta go look again.


I SEE HER! I See Her!! Good camoflage!!

Do another!


Remind me....how many bunnies are in there?

You've gotta post pictures of all the buns too, Dear Heart.

THANKS for the puzzles! I love them. What a unique, fun, creative, and an original idea. Great Job, Danielle! *Big Hug*

there are six of them! Here are Brindle, Benji, MooShu, S'more and Chippers... And it wasn't Binks who bit Smore it was Smore who bit Binks!! There are so many it gets confusing... But remember how Brindle was eatting Benji's whiskers? Now Benji is gettin her back and eatting her whiskers!! Ouy vay!! Haha
Way to Go, Benji! :)

I couldn't figure out if Binky made 5 or 6.
Ohh, Smore nipping at Binks sounds more like the scenario I would've imagined. Oh that Smore! Trouble Bubble Boss Bunny. :X Smore's protecting the Warren.

Love the first picture of this thread. It really looks like the bunny is waving. More bunny pictures, please! Want to see those noses!

So there are 6 of them in the hidden picture puzzle?



We are NOT bunny people!!


This was a gift from a friend of my moms. Its a bunny inside a glass crystal... its really cool but doesnt photograph well..


I was inspired!! This was my first ever painting!!


This was my second painting!!



Oh Goodness! Mr. WoodyPet is wearing off on you. I can't believe you're proud of your bags of WoodyPet. I know your Dad wanted to stock up on some more soon. Looks like he made it to the store. Some families like to go out for ice cream; your family enjoys going out for WoodyPet.:shock:

The first picture you drew of the rabbit is very good for a first try. If I tried to draw a rabbit, it wouldn't look like a rabbit, I can assure you.

Why don't you guys like rabbits?




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