Is is possible?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2012
Reaction score
Northeast, Massachusetts, USA
I feel stupid asking this, but I kind of want to be reassured I guess... Hopefully. Anyways, I bunkered down the buns in the barn for Hurricane Sandy, and had my senior buck in a 1/2x1in hole wire cage, my 4 month old Jr buck above in a wire cage, my Sr doe in a dog crate, and two 4 month old Jr does (bonded sisters) in a wire dog crate (large one). Anyways... The sisters, little trouble makers, SOMEHOW crawled out from under the bottom wire and were loose in the stall. So my question IS: is there any way the Sr buck could breed them through the wire cage? I'm sure they were not loose in the stall for long at all because there were not many oppose around, but the bucks cage is right on floor level. The girls are barely 4 months. They didn't even look like they were interested in him, though he was in them. I highly doubt it, bit they are not done growing and it kind of makes me nervous. I'm always careful to not keep them on floor level with just a wire between them, because I've heard of it "happening" (though it very well could have been an "accident" in another form). Thanks so much!!!
Yes, it is possible. But I'm pretty confident in saying you're in the clear. I've only heard of does being bred this way on a handful of occasions and obviously, the doe has to be rather "consenting" for it to work out. Considering their age, I wouldn't be expecting anything like that to happen.
Posible but unlikely.
Haha I typed this on my phone and it started going wonky. I never thought my post worked! Thanks for the replies! They were not even interested, and I doubt anything happened. I read somewhere else that it is impossible (people were worried because they only had wire separating a doe and buck's cage), but then others said it was possible. The girls were too excited to have had the chance to be naughty and escape I think :) Thanks!

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