is a cardboard box safe to play with?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2009
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Chesterton, In USA
Well I was concerned our little boy, which we now have named Lester, was having problems in his cage because the plastic grating was too far apart he was getting his little feet stuck. So today at work I brought home a bunch of cardboard boxes and broke them down and pulled the tape off and I covered 3/4 of his cage with the box (being careful to leave his potty areas exposed).

He is in there chewing and digging the crap out of the box now, is this safe for him or should I take it out. We were going to put wood in there but we didn't want him pottying on the wood and I thought cardboard is a cheaper option than wood and could get tossed daily and replaced (we go through A LOT of cardboard boxes at work so I can grab 5-10 a day).

I hope this is the right section to put this question.
Is he just tearing the boxes up or actually eating them? My buns tear them up but then leave a pile of it all on the floor so I know they don't eat it. Eating a lot of the box could be harmful.
Amy27 wrote:
Is he just tearing the boxes up or actually eating them? My buns tear them up but then leave a pile of it all on the floor so I know they don't eat it. Eating a lot of the box could be harmful.
actually he seems to have stopped. I think he was just tearing it up though. He's leaving it alone now. As long as he's not eating it can I leave it in there?
I let mine tear boxes up and have never had a problem. It keeps them from tearing up something like my carpet or eating the door frame. Mine love it and it is a great way to keep them from getting bored. I would leave it in there as long as he isn't eating it. What a good way to provide a good floor plus some entertainment.
oh my god my Belle LOVES BOXES she goes to town on them, she gets so into it that the whole box moves around as she is in it tearing the heck out of it, i love to give her a box because she enjoys it so much,lol.
well he is loving the box being there he is definetely more comfortable he stretches all out on the cardboard and I even caught him flopped over on his back like a dog for a bit. It was HILARIOUS!
Destroying or "remodeling" boxes is a perfectly healthy fun activity. Eating a little paper is okay, but if they're ingesting the whole box, that's not okay. Just keep an eye on what he's doing with it.

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