I'm So Proud of My Rabbits!

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Active Member
Feb 8, 2008
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Chicago Suburbs, IL, ,
So, Max and Dubby were invited to a local preschool class to show off what it's like to be a bunny. The class was doing a project on pets, and the three of us came in to explain rabbits and rabbit care. I was a little bit nervous about bringing the two of them in, because Dubby usually gets a little skittish around strangers. But Max and Dubs don't do well when separated, so both of them had to come to class. In anticipation of this, I had brought along a cardboard box for Dubby to feel safe under during the presentation (I also had an x-pen for safety.

Well, both Dubby and Max were SO well-behaved! My husband held Max so the children could pet him, and he was as calm as can be. Max then stretched himself out pressed into the side of the x-pen so the kids could pet them, and he literally just rolled over and gleefully let himself be pet. You could just see him reveling in it. But the big surprise was Dubby. I think once she saw Max chilling out with the kids, she got into it, running around the x-pen and gently taking carrots from the kids. She was completely calm when held by my husband, and tolerated the pets quite nicely. By the end of the visit, both buns were bouncing around around the pen eating and exploring their surroundings.

I'm just so excited, because being held and accepting strangers is something that I've been working on with the bunnies. And they both did incredibly well today! I was so proud of them. :)
Oh that's great it sounds like a wonderful day.I bet they just loved getting all those treats.

Did you happen to get any pictures?

They sound like they were awesome! :) I wish we had someone who had come to our class to show us bunnies! We raised chicken eggs in pre-school, but once they hatched they were taken away, :(. Petting rabbits would have been sooooo cool!!! :) Especially ones as nice as yours sound!
Thanks for the support everyone! I was SO incredibly proud of how well my bunnies did. And the teacher was taking pictures the whole time, so I'm going to call her and ask for copies. I'd love make a picture post of "Dubby and Max's Preschool Adventure". :)
Awww I so love positive animal-children encounters. There's is so much to learn from one another! :inlove:Way to go you and your buns (oh and hubby too of course) :highfive:
What a great way to teach children to respect animals! Glad to hear they were so well behaved:D.

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