i no it will be upsetting

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I know you didn't just mean me :), and Idid care - just not as much because of the distance and not knowinganyone at all in the area. My Ohio friend was pretty devastated and Ifelt terrible for him. It's horrible when any huge disaster happens, Ifeel equally horrible when I see war on TV, it just doesn't seem totouch us so bad down here in little NZ.

You get the feeling living in NZ that we are expected to care moreabout what happens in America than, say, Iraq, or famine in Africa, butour ties I think are closer to Britain and Australia than anywhere.
Actually, I didn't mean you at all. lol I was really refering more to Starina.

And I don't think you need to have any more sympathy for Americans. I'mtalking about people in general! How they were all innocent...

OneBadBunny!!! wrote:
I know you didn't just mean me :), and I did care - just notas much because of the distance and not knowing anyone at all in thearea. My Ohio friend was pretty devastated and I felt terrible for him.It's horrible when any huge disaster happens, I feel equally horriblewhen I see war on TV, it just doesn't seem to touch us so bad down herein little NZ.

You get the feeling living in NZ that we are expected to care moreabout what happens in America than, say, Iraq, or famine in Africa, butour ties I think are closer to Britain and Australia than anywhere.
Actually, I didn't mean you at all. lol I was really refering more to Starina.

And I don't think you need to have any more sympathy for Americans. I'mtalking about people in general! How they were all innocent...

I know that I don't mean you either. I agree with onebadbunny as well.
I was in 9th grade sitting in my biology classpreparing for a test. The art teacher down the hall always had her TVin and came into our classroom ever so calm to inform our teacher ofthe happenings. So my teacher turned on the TV and announced that ourtest was cancelled for the day as we were living history right now. Sowe watched the news the rest of the day and did nothing in class. I wasable to call home to my parents as I was a guidence office aide.

I then went home after golf practice and was told by my mother that afriend's daughter came very close to the towers. She's a violinst andwas scheduled to perform on the 100th floor that morning. However, shehad just returned from a trip and experiencing jet lag therefore wasrunning late. She went to turn her tv off as she was leaving the houseand discovered what was happening. Talk about a second chance at life!

~ Amanda ~
We lived on Andrews AFB, MD at the time and ourcable was out due to a lightening strike a week or so earlier. Werarely watched tv...so it didn't seem like a big deal till we went toturn it on and went, "Hey..what's up?"

Art had been listening to the radio (he had leave and had just gottenhome from a trip to see his mom early that morning - I'm so glad he washome by then)....and he said, "A plane struck the twin towers in NYC."I was like, "I wonder if it is a terrorist thing...how can you missthose towers?"

I was getting ready for a work - I was a freelance merchandiser and hadplanned to work that day. When the 2nd plant hit, I decided to stayhome since I knew they'd be closing down the base for security reasons.Then we heard about the Pentagon being hit...and I think that hit methe worst.

You see - we were in the military for 20+ years - and to be thePentagon was sort of "untouchable". I never suspected that anyone coulddamage it. So that really shocked me...

I remember telling my kids "Life will never be the same"...."especiallyfor the military". We had to evacuate our house three or four times inthat first month due to bomb scares at the back gate (we were almostthe closest house to the back gate and we were the closest house to theflightline on one end). We had never had cell phones before but we madesure to buy some Tracfones so that we could keep in touch with eachother if we had to evacuate again.

I knew someone at church who worked in the Pentagon - in the sectionthat was hit. She got to work - got sick - and drove home. She pulledout of the parking lot of the Pentagon about 10 minutes before theplane hit.

Another man drove to work - felt very uncomfortable with his shoes (newshoes) and decided to return home since he lived nearby. He also workedin that section.

Looking back on it, I'm so grateful our cable tv was down during thattime. Yes, we had to listen to the radio and follow the story on theinternet...but I think that made it easier for us.

It's hard to believe its been more than 5 years since that horrid day.I know folks always think of the twin towers - but because we were inthe DC area - we always think of the plane that hit the Pentagon. Somany lives lost in all the planes and all the attacks....


P.S. An interesting thing happened shortly after the attacks.At our Bible Study (off base) one of the older woman was talking abouthow she heard the military jets taking off all the time and patrolingthe area and how unsettling it was for her. What was amazing - was Iwas MUCH closer to them....and yet, I found the soundreassuring...because I knew it meant OUR GUYS (and gals) were in theair. I think the difference was the fact we were military and herfamily wasn't....she said later that when she thought about it thatway...it made sense and helped....
I was in college, working at thelibrary. My coworkers and I noticed that the other studentswere acting funny, and then one of the supervisors came in and saidthat something really bad was happening, it was on TV and we hadpermission to go on the Internet and find out what was goingon. She was reading over our shoulders too. Thiswas just when the first plane hit. When she found out thatthe Student Union was putting TVs tuned to CNN in all the break areasand hallways, she let us go on break one at a time to go watch.

During my break, the first tower collapsed.

A friend of mine (at college with me) lost an uncle in thePentagon. He was in a meeting really close to where the planehit, and they never found his body.:sad:
Awwww!! Andrews AFB!

A militaryorganization we belonged to concerning childrenwith cancer always had their Christmas parties in one of the hangers. :D
I am not saying that it is not sad, and thepeople who did this weren't wrong, but I didn't have any connection tothe buildings. I feel for the people who lost their friends and familyin the buildings. I am just not one of them. It is hard for me to bedevistated by the death of someone I didn't know. I was sad when myaunt died, and my greatgrandma, and my father in law, because I knewthose people, they're not being on earth directly effects my life. Ididn't know anyone who died on 9/11 and I honestly consider myself verylucky to say that. I feel bad for the people who did, but I was notcrying that day.

I was off that day from work. I wasactually washing the floors and stuff and all of a sudden my Dad calledme and said turn on the TV. And as soon as I did it was allover the place. It was so sad. Friends of my familywere suppose to be going on a tour of the towers that day but someoneon the tour group was late comming down stairs and thank god forthat. Needless to say they were pretty messed up after thatand tok them a while to get over the fact that they had almost been upin those towers that day. Very sad. I had familyliving there at the time.

We got up that morning, got Connor off toschool, Taylor was in pm Kindergarten, so we were waiting for his bus.I was watching the Today Show when it happened.
I remember being in middle school and theteacher turning on the news, and some idiots in my class startedlaughing about it. But at the time I had NO IDEA what the twin towerswere.
I was coming into my science class (I was afreshman in HS) my teacher always had the news on. At first, I thoughtit was something else and didn't care (typical kids/teen) until Irealized what was going on. I was sad. No matter if I knew the peopleor not. I think they had a daycare, so it really broke my heartthinking about those babies and kids that were dead.

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