i need help and answers plzzzzzzzzz

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Carolyn wrote:
BE the Alpha Rabbit!!

****Lovethe aboveCarolyn LOL****

In most cases the rabbit simply doesn't feel secure. This isone reason why bunnies make such terrible Easter gifts for smallchildren. The family expects the bunny to lovingly cling totheir child, however, children often don't know how to pick the rabbitup, the rabbit becomes terrified and struggles.

I do a lot of nail cutting and tattooing for4-Hers. I can always tell a rabbit who'sgotten the upper hand and is the one in control -- they are the mostdifficult to handle because they continue to strugglehopingthey will get their own way. This increases the risk ofinjury for the rabbit and the handler. It's imperative tolearn how to properly handle and restrain the rabbit for the safety ofboth of you and for ease of examination at the vet's office.


PS for Carolyn (my Sunshine)-- Have beenenjoyingthe flowers on my desk while doing bookkeeping allday : ) The kids are safely on their way home fromNew York after a successful day of showing : )

Dear Pam,

:D I'm so glad the kids are on their way home. I bet you feel 10 lbs. lighter.

Hope the Easter Bunny doesn't get the bunnies all worked up in the middle of the night!

I'm puttin the carrots out!

hello everyone im new also.my bunny nameis jody,right now i don't no if its a boy or a girl. but the guy atpetsmart did tell me when picking up ur bunny,you must pick up the fullbody at one time,meaning grab their hind legs w/ one hand and otherhand supporting the rest of the body cause they have a fear offalling.
Welcome Spirited,

You may find this site helpful:http://www.debmark.com/rabbits/sexing.htmThe pictures hopefully will help you.

Pamnock, an expert in rabbits, explains it it as the girl's privatepartsseem to look taco-shapped, while the boys look like adonut.

The gentlemen at Petsmart is absolutely correct. Rabbits hindlegs must be supported and it's best that you get those four feet onyou as quickly as you can when you pick them up. They feelvery safe when held like a football.

Wow, there's another thing I never knew. I alwayspick Megan up by her stomache without supporting her. She doesn't seemto mind, she never wiggles or makes noises. When she's been bad Iusually hold her just above my face and she looks down at me and I tellher how bad she was, and she knows she's been bad and stops. So...likeI've said before... I've been blessed with the wierdest rabbits ever.lol
LOL, You always bring a smile to my facemybunnylovesme! I always pick my buns up with one handholding their scruff but use the other hand to actually lift them fromthe back under their hind legs and kinda scoop them that way to mychest. They never fight and love to lay against me andsnuggle. They will sit on the girls' laps forever if giventhe chance!! Except Hopscotch, she will crawl up onto Charis' shoulderto see what is going on in the world, I think she is mistaken and underthe impression that she isa parrot!! LOL.
Nothing wrong with doing it the way you're doingit, Michelle. As long as the bunny's body is supported,you're fine. Mom2many uses another technique that manydo. You just want to support those hind legs/buttasyou're holding them.

She's well supported once I'm holding her, butwhen I pick her up I just take her by the tummy. Once she's on me Ihave one hand on her tum and the other on her bum!

lol! :) I dunno if she's trying to run away or not but she always tries to get down my shirt!