I love accents

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Luvmyzoocrew wrote:
Jen the first video of the buns running is where i heard you talk for the first time, and i just love your accent. Although you would have to speak slow because if you where to speak fast it would sound like another language,lol.
LOL! That's the main feature of the Bristolian accent- we/they talk SO fast. It's hard to know what we're saying unless you're one of us..... I was shopping with my friend and her mum the other day and my friend bumped into someone she knew. My friend asked this person how her son was doing and she said 'oh, great, he's wormed now!' and I was like WHAT???!!!!! :shock::shock::shock: but then I realised she had said 'he's one now!' lol.... I've lived in Bristol nearly 20 years and it still never ceases to amaze me how weird they all talk...

I remember when I was younger I picked up the Bristolian accent in a big way, and failed to pronounce all my T's, and started to over-pronounce all my R's. I used to say 'innit!' instead of 'isn't it'. My mum would always refuse to acknowledge or respond until I pronounced it correctly, and then we'd get into an argument because I'd reply that she moved me here, how could she expect me not to pick up the accent? But I'm SO glad I don't have it too strong lol! :p
I think that video thing would be cool, but I sound like an idiot! I think so anyway...my brother talks really posh and the rest of us are just the usual. And I do agree bristolians talk fast :p I love the irish, finnish and canadian accent though and I could listen to irish guys singing all day..there is just something about they're voice that makes the song sound so good!
Luv-bunniz wrote:
I could listen to irish guys singing all day..there is just something about they're voice that makes the song sound so good!
In that case, you can't miss this!!


The first track off of their new album! *faints* :D
LOL! Glad you all enjoyed this! I would love to hear all of you - well, I have heard Zin and she sounds a bit southern.

I love Irish and Scottish accents.

I don't know about me - I live in the midwest, so I don't know really what sort of accent I have.
Bo B Bunny wrote:
I don't know about me - I live in the midwest, so I don't know really what sort of accent I have.

LOL ....One time I called to North Carolina (I think) to order something, and the lady said, "Slow down, I can't understand youwith your accent." I was like "What...?" She had a very pronounced Southern drawl and I had a difficult time understanding her, and I was the one with the accent!!! I've lived in Wisconsin all of my life, not much of an accent thing going on here unless one lives in a very secluded ethnic community, or if one lives up-nort der hey (translation-- Up North near or in the Upper Michigan area).

Bo B Bunny wrote:
LOL! Glad you all enjoyed this! I would love to hear all of you - well, I have heard Zin and she sounds a bit southern.

Because Zin was making a serious effort to NOT sound southern , and was using her official USPS phone voice..

Ask Pipp.. I've rednecked up on her before...
I find the strangest one to be South African i find it weird lol My apologies to any members from these places but im not a fan of the welsh or somerset area accents, nor mine! lol I live in between yorkshire and newcastle yet people think we sound scouse!
I love South African! Its so... odd :p. I don't mind welsh (its one of the only accent I can do! Other than American and Irish). The accent I most dislike is Geordie, like Cheryl Cole. It just sounds made up!

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
pinksalamander wrote:
I love South African! Its so... odd :p. I don't mind welsh (its one of the only accent I can do! Other than American and Irish). The accent I most dislike is Geordie, like Cheryl Cole. It just sounds made up!

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
I love Cheryl Cole's accent! I love the Geordie accent in general. We were up at Steve's mum's last week, in Middlesborough, and went round to his aunt's house, where his Dad was staying. Her grandson came round after school, and he's about 7 years old with a little Geordie accent! SO adorable! :D

My ex-boyfriend is from the Forest of Dean and he has a hint of Welsh about his voice. I always make him say 'jumper' and 'Swansea' because they come out really Welsh sounding lol!
I love Zins. Though sometimes I need a translator.
This is such an over the top welsh accent but it makes me laugh so much! Note: Adult-ish content.


I will do this accent video thing but I don't know what to do and I don't want to be the first LOL!

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
Yes I have! :biggrin2:
Not only do you crack me up you have SUCH a strong accent! LOL. I'll have to do one now but I have nothing interesting to say or do :p

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
That's actually how I talk on a daily basis, when most people get me on the phone, I tone it down, cause slow southern drawl.. especially Deep Southeast Texan is Hard to understand,

So take that accent... and throw in a know it all teenager and a hyper fast talking 10 year old.. and an Aussie..

Catawampuss mess..
I'll do a video once I find something to talk about... or I'll try and find one...

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny

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