I got laid off

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I'm so sorry!!!!

Oh no! Best wishes for a better job for you - I was in your shoes 5 years ago - the company I had been at for 5 years closed its doors and everyone was let go. Some people had been there for 25+ years and those folks were hoping to retire from that job.

I searched for a new job for months and had some really BAD interviews (one was so bad I ran to the local bakery, bought a large piece of chocolate decadence cake and a large coffee) and some interviews that I did not get an offer for but it was worth the hassle - I now have a job that I love - doesn't pay a lot but I finally have a job I look forward to going to.

It is tough to see the good that comes out of a tough situation like this but I was told, when one door closes, another will open.


I am very sorry that you lost your job... i hope you find a new job soon...my husbands job has laid off 3 people in the last two weeks... one employee was there 37 years. the only reason my husband is still there is because he can do all the different jobs that they do plus he is the only one willing to work out of town

I am sorry to hear that. :( Stupid Wisconsin job economy (I'm aware that it's everywhere, but I live here and see it daily). Are you eligible for unemployment benefits?

Yeah, the good thing is I should be able to get unemployment benefits when my company payout ends. Everyone laid off today is getting paid for the next two months because we weren't warned. In fact, we were all supposed to have guaranteed jobs in Milwaukee (our plant closing was announced last July) but apparently today's cuts were international.

I'll find out more details of my payout next week. Today was just for firing us and walking us out. It sounds like they don't even have the details all set in stone yet. I don't think my boss even knew about this last night because he had a list of projects for me to start up.
Oh no :( I'm so sorry. We're worried here cause this is my son's senior year....... we are struggling to get him money together for college (and he's really intelligent and I want him to go - he will do good things!) and my hubby's work should be picking up right now.... yet they lost hours today (cut from 9 hours to 8... we rely on overtime since his work is seasonal)...

I don't know what is going to happen.... we're in a mess in this country.... I do fear a depression. :(

I'm so sorry :(. Times are just awful.

Not too much better in Canada either. I'm scrambling trying to find a part time job to afford a car and tuition in a year and a half..
I'm kicking myself for not getting steady job a couple months ago when we were booming. Now no one is hiring.

Hoping everything will be alright!
I am sorry to hear you were laid off. Was that with Sigma?

My brother-in-law was laid off from the Oil industry up north (Syncrude), but he wouldn't settle for unemployment because he had other things he could do for much more money than unemployment insurance. He is keeping quite busy.

My brother sub contracts for Syncrude, but they would lay him off for several weeks without pay and then bring him back to work again.
Not with Sigma, I left there just over a year ago for a job that was easier on my fibromyalgia. The company I was working for is called Pentair, and I did testing on water filters. Mostly for home use, hence the layoffs. Residential-based business is super slow.

Bo, does your son not qualify for much financial aid? I need to go kick my nephew in the butt since he's the same age and I found out he's decided not to go to college or tech school at all for now. He never even tried to see what he would get for financial aid, and as the son of a single mom with a low paying job and three other kids he should get a lot. Plus he has to look into getting an apartment on his own instead of living in our basement, since going to school was part of that deal. Stupid kid. Sheboygan is really hard-hit with layoffs so I don't know where he thinks he's going to get a job.
Not much at all..... The type of work hubby does - his pay looks bigger than it is once they take out dues, uniforms, all that crud...... and they don't look at what you have in debt!

We will get him there I think... he's gotten some scholarship money and I'm looking for work to do outside of my houses that I clean....
:bunnyhug:i am sorry. it's not that great here either. the government thinks that with low interest rates our mortgage repayments are so low that we'll go out on spending sprees:rollseyes yeah right! need that extra money to afford the astronomical food prices and to keep for rainy day when the bankers shove the rates back up:censored2::soapbox

keep strong - you are not alone:)
Oh man that stinks, I know how you feel, so many people in my family have no job and my Dad is just holding on my a thread. Economy is so bad that we were told if you can pay your bills, keep your car on the road and feed your family then your one of the lucky ones. So many people I know are moving to Australia for a job.

I guess the economy is the same everywhere, hope you don't have too much trouble finding a new job!
Spring wrote:
I'm so sorry :(. Times are just awful.

Not too much better in Canada either. I'm scrambling trying to find a part time job to afford a car and tuition in a year and a half..
I'm kicking myself for not getting steady job a couple months ago when we were booming. Now no one is hiring.

Hoping everything will be alright!
I heard Cananda and Switzerland were the only countries not going through the recession must of heard wrong.

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