I got a puppy!

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Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2005
Reaction score
, Illinois, USA
So, here is my new adopted puppy Sydney! She's 12 weeks old and has a little cold, but otherwise she is adorable and incredibly smart. They think she's yellow lab and either golden or spaniel of some sort. She's not going to get that big; maybe up to 45lbs.

The bunnies haven't been formally introduced to her as of yet, but Drizzle sure can smell her. He's been cranky everytime I go to pet him. Could be the fact that he is molting pretty bad too, but he won't even let me touch him without him chinning my hand.

Here's some photos of my girl. Sorry that it's so small. I'll put some bigger ones up later:



WHAT A CUTIE!! She's so adorable!! :)

Welcome home, Sydney!! :D
She's so cute :D She will make a wonderful addition to your family. I found that I let my puppy sniff the rabbits through their cages and then rabbits could hide if they felt the need and then they were allowed to sniff at the dog while she was in her kennel and it worked out great. My puppy will now play with the bunnies and they let her groom them and will sometimes try to groom her back and they even sleep together sometimes :)
what a doll!

i want a puppy. . .maybe in a few years. lol

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