I found one of my rabbits dead

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Sloaner I know exactly how it feels. Itis like having a child taken away. It has been a few yearssince I lost my first 2 buns. We had them for6years. We got them when I was about 13 and I was so attachedto them. Their names were Benny (Benedict) andThumper. They both suffered the same sickness, Benny first,then Thumper about 11 months later. I did not get to saygoodbye to Benny. I left work and rushed to the emergencyclinic to meet my sister there when she called me aboutThumper. I wrote aboutwhat Thumper toldmejust before we had to put him to sleep.

[align=right]Thumper's Goodbye

[align=right]"What is life all about for a rabbit, mommy?
Why am I here with you?
I have made you laugh, and I have made you mad.
I have been a comfort to you when you've been sad.
I've been your baby my whole life.
Our 6 years together have been great.
I love you and all the others.
But I couldn't bear to go a whole year without my brother.
We were a team, you know.
He was someone to cuddle with when everyone else was busy.
He cleaned my face when I had to wear that darn collar.
He kept me company, always.
I didn't know where he went.
I have been waiting a long time for him to come home.
What happened to him is happening to me now...
...Now I know where he went.
Ibelong with Benny, mommy. I know you understand that.
I know you have been worried that I have been lonely.
Well I don't have to be lonely anymore.
Can I go findhim, mommy? Please don't keep me here.
I do love you so much, mommy but I mustn't keep Benny waiting.
It's okay to miss us mommy. We will miss you too.
But please don't be sad for us. We will be someplace perfect for us.
I've been feeling old and tired, but I can feel young with Benny again!
What are you crying for, mommy?
We will be waiting up in a grassy, cool sunny field full of flowers and apples.
When I meet Benny again, we will spend a lifetime sharing wonderful happy stories
of all the good times with our mommies, and we will be watching you.
Remember the card tricks?
Remember running through the house flipping our ears and kicking our feet out?
You've given us the best life. Much more than any bunny could hope for.
No regrets, mommy. All I have ever known in my life is love,
and I have given you as much love as this world could possibly hold.
Benny feels the same way. He told me so.
And I know you felt the same love for us.
I had better go now. I will send Benny your love.
Don't forget us, but don't be too terribly sad. We are all better now.
And when the time is right, we can all play in the grass together again."


I imagine you have gotten a new companion for your bunny bynow. But if you haven't, I would suggest you do. Mybiggest regret is that we did not get a new friend forThumper. [/align]


[align=center]~~~~ My Sweet Bunnies ~~~~

1995 - June 26, 2000[/align]

1995 - May 22, 2001[/align]


My heart has joined the Thousand, for my friend stopped running today...


[align=center]Look at this, its been 3 years and I am still blubbering about them...
You are definately not alone. We all know your pain.
Our hearts are with yours.[/align]
Greetings AmberN2bun,

That poem is beautiful; it's difficult to read and recall the raw pain we feel when we lose ourbabies.

One of our posters just lost a very sweet bunny named Athena and wewere all heartbroken. I think we finally all stopped crying,but this brings it right back.

I just posted to you about your Avatar. That picture isPrecious!! I'll remove it now that I've told you here.

Welcome to the board, Amber2bun.


Your poem is beautiful - I couldn't read without the tears falling. I can tell so much love and feelings went into it.

I agree you can never get over the loss of pet - they are your babiesand they rely on you for so much; love, warmth, protection, etc. We arejust lucky that we have our memories and that we can take comfort inthe fact that we have loved them with all our heart and they have lovedus in return!

I'd like to take this opportunity to welcome you into our big bunny family.

Welcome to the group.

I am so very sorry. My heart goes out to you. My baby Athena passedaway on Sunday. It has been extremely difficult. I am so sadfor you. If there is anything I can do please don't hesitate to ask. Iam so very sorry.

Welcome to the board, Ambern2buns. "Thumper's Goodbye" is a lovely piece and really touched my heart.

I grieve with you in your loss but hope that you take comfortin knowing that you will see them again one day.
sloaner wrote:
Ihad 2 french lop bunnies- 4yrs old, one of them I found dead thismorning in their cage and I have no idea why. She was finelast night when I went out to the cage as I always do. Shewas eating, drinking, hopping around......no visual signs that she wasin distress at all. It was the most emotional thing, I neverlook out my bathroom window when getting ready for work and thismorning I did and realized something was not right. I wentout and I knew the closer I got their she was layed out, stiff as aboard. The other rabbit was just sitting their hoppingaround. I cried and cried, this month I have had them4yrs. I just don't know what happened, there was no signsthat she got hurt or anything. Now what am I to do as far asthe other rabbit that has always had her there as company.They slept right smack beside of each other. Part of me feelslike if I were to try and get another one to put with her would causeproblems, simply because they those 2 started out together as bunniesfrom day one. I hope she will adjust without herbuddy......I'm just sad today, there is nothing worse than holdingsomething that was so dear to me and she's gone.:(
I'm sorry about your loss and for your other bunny,who lost her buddy.:(

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