I can't be in 2 places at once!?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2013
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There is a chance for me to see 2 different bunnies but they are in two entirely different towns that are quite the distances away from each other (hours) and I can't be in two places at the same time unfortunately. I can see one tomorrow and one on Sunday but that does open up the window of possibility that one will be gone by then.

One is a 8 wk. Blue Tort doe Holland lop. Owner (4H) says she is able to hold her upside down with no fuss (not sure if that is good? or if she is saying that to let me know that the doe doesn't mind being held). Not litter trained (and of course, not spayed) but she says she is friendly and a great pet.

The other is a 2 yr. Dutch/Lop mix buck. They say he enjoys petting, is friendly, likes attention and would be a great pet. He is litterbox trained and neutered.

Which one should I go and see tomorrow? :confused:
If you are looking for a pet rabbit, then myself I would probably go see the buck. Both supposedly would make great pets but the male is neutered. Females should definitely be spayed. With the male it is already done and you wouldn't have to go through that worry/expense. Plus he is litter trained. That is of course if the people are telling the truth. Although, litter training seems to be fairly easy for most buns to pick up on.

I would try to arrange to see one tomorrow and one on Sunday. Arrange to see the one that you think you would be more likely to bring home tomorrow and the least likely on Sunday. If you are meant to get one of these buns it will work out. If not, then maybe your heart bun is still out there waiting on you. At least that's how I would look at it.
If you're looking for the baby experience, then go for the baby. But if your looking to save a little money, go for the already neutered buck.

I'm here to tell you, I love my rabbit but she's a pain sometimes. I got her when she was 6 weeks. She goes through false pregnancies like every 2-3 months, she's grumpy a lot and spays are expensive. But that is just MY rabbit, not all females are like that.
I've heard that males are a little more docile than females and if he's already neutered, then he should be nice and calm.

If I were to get another rabbit or a first rabbit, I would go with the 2 year old. But its whatever you want to do. You just have to do what you feel most comfortable with.
I'm of a stupid mindset so what I say isn't advice. Maybe its because I'm an impatient sort but I want to have as much of a lifetime with a rabbit as I can and see every phase of their lives as possible. Money can be worked out but years and experiences are precious. It's why I got mines as young as possible and I've loved every moment of their lives I've been able to experience.

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