I adopted a gerbil!

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Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2005
Reaction score
Sheboygan, Wisconsin, USA
This is Copper, my newly adopted gerbil. Yes, he has no tail. He came in to the shelter with a large breeding group and his tail was horribly mangled. He was separated for treatment and healing, which is why he's a singleton. The entire group was taken in by a rescue in the nick of time.

Copper was adopted from the rescue so another gerbil from the same high-kill shelter could be saved on the same day, also in the nick of time. By the way, Copper has many relatives up for adoption, all the same color as him. Chicago-area people, take a look!

On to Copper!



This is his current setup. I also have a huge wire cage topper, but it only confuses him at the moment. He had been kept in a super-small cage during recovery and nobody ever moved him... leading to some psych issues that will hopefully fade in time.
Oh, and thank you Bluefrog for tugging at my heart strings with needy gerbils, and supplying the cage! I was in the area anyway, may as well save a life. :D
Awww he looks just like my Pringles. He's adorable. Nice that you got him from the shelter. Is he enjoying digging much? It's so sad when they seem so shocked by suddenly having so much space. Hope his other mates find homes soon. :rose:
what a cute gerbil, those are really red eyes, do all gerbils have eyes as red as that? or is it to do with flash.
Thanks! The red eye is just from the flash. He has dark eyes that have a slight red tint in some lighting.

He really hasn't dug at all, aside from making the nest inside his hidey house. He doesn't know what the wheel, cardboard tube, or tissue paper are for either. But I'm sure in time he'll start testing things out instead of just running around like a loon. :)
very cute , we baby sat the pre school gerbils one year over Thanksgiving break and they were cute. WTG on saving him
This is my favorite pic of Copper so far...


He really does have the cutest little face. Almost as cute as my piggies' faces.... ;) Smooches to all of the rescued small & furries out there....

Awww! What a sweetie! He looks just like my boy Shreddie (laboratory rescue)
So pleased to see someone small has a place at your house :)
My guy was very cheap to keep... he would produce enough cardboard chips for his bedding weekly :D
Loved strawberries too...
Awww... now I want another little guy...

Lucky Copper to have you!
He has such an adorable colour. I had a red gerbil who passed away suddenly a months ago. It's my favourite colour.
I hope the little guy will enjoy his new setup soon.
Too cute! I LOVE gerbils, me and my sister used to play with our gerbils for hours and hourson end.

You can actually bond them with other gerbils using a split cage technique.

Anyhow, toocute Ang!

He might not get digging right away. I noticed that with my 3 fosters I had. They didn't have a lot of bedding to begin with so they never got to dig or borrow. After a little while they figured it out. :)

Can't wait to go see him again!
(And I can't wait to adopt some rescues myself! hehehe)

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