Howdy From Georgia

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May 15, 2014
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Hi there everyone, I just joined the forum today because I acquired a new lil bun bun Monday. I found him abandoned on the side of the highway and just couldn't leave him. He is a total sweetheart and is totally rotten too.
Hope to learn new things as it has been years since I owned a bunny and to make new friends as well.

I am in Columbus, GA and have 3 cats of my own, a small colony of ferals outside I care for, a dog that thinks he is a cat and another cat I have been trying to find a home for....
Hello there and welcome to the forum :) You'll find plenty of very helpful info on here about rabbits if you need it, good on you for rescuing the little guy :)
Welcome! I know that if you need advice for the poor little bun, this is the place to get it! I'm so glad you could find him before something else did!

Thank you all, my biggest thing with him now is trying to learn how to litter train him. Kitty cats you just put them in and scrape their foot and that is it hehee I've never potty trained a bunny before. And when I found him he had something going on with his eye, like his cornea had a hole in it... he will be going to the vet this week to find out if it is permanent damage or what is going on with it.
I hope it's not permanent damage... Poor bun.

As for litter training, the best way to do it is to put the box wherever he likes to naturally pee. Fixing him will also help, if that's what you're going to do.

Who would leave a cute lil bunny on the side of the road? It's just not fair!
When I took him out yesterday, his eye was already a bunch better. In a couple more days I believe it will be completely back to normal. I am so happy about that.

As for the litter training...he is being stubborn hehee he has a corner he tinkles in so I moved the litter box there, so he started tinkling in the other corner, but still going in the box too... so I think he will catch on real soon. He is so smart and so sweet. Somebody missed out on a great pet, but that is ok because he is mine now :)
That's funny. He's probably intimidated by the foreign litter box, he will understand soon.

The person who missed out on a great pet probably wasn't the best pet owner... So your lil bun is really lucky. So are you.
He sits in the litter box a lot, but he does use it too... he is a smart bun bun so I believe he will get the hang of it soon.

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