How to remove dog smell?

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May 6, 2015
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Seattle, WA
Help! The neighbor stopped by with her dog and now Harvey's area in the living room has had the dog run through it. Now Harvey's area will smell like a dog to Harvey. I know she'll want to pee on everything to mark it as hers. How can I remove the dog scent? How can I stop Harvey from wanting to mark her territory? Her litterbox habits up till now have been perfect. Darned it!!
Please help!! I won't let her into living room until I get this sorted.
is your doe that territorial that a DOG scent will set her off?

If so...neutering will help with that.

It's a dog, normally animals react to scent from their own kind.
My Natasha Rabbitova reacts to any dog scent - all I have to do is pet a dog, and she thumps and runs off to hide under my bed until I wash my hands in mechanic's solvent. A few weeks ago I had a very friendly dog lean against my leg at a picnic, and when I came home Natasha wouldn't come anywhere near me until I had changed my clothes. I was sorting clothes for the wash this weekend, and Natasha was helping my by digging in the piles, as usual. She got to the dark pile where the pants from the picnic were, froze in place for a second, then THUMPED and ran off under the bed.

Oddly, as far as I know Natasha has never actually met a dog. She certainly hasn't for the six years she's lived with me, and her first parents told me she hadn't during her first two years. Yet, she's terrified of dog smell. And yes, she's spayed.
This is so weird and cool. I just vacuumed the room and Harvey was fine. Natasha must be a super sensitive girl. It's probably that royal blood of hers. �� The Rabbitanovas are a very grand dynasty.