how long is a piece of string help with bonding

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Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2013
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Hi all. Decided to go for the full on approach. Fluffle and baby have been getting on fine so far. Lots of snuggling grooming eating together and playing. The boy fluff likes to hump poor baby and she putting up with it up till now! But in past hour I noticed she has started circling hom when he tries to hump. They have been in same room now for 24 hrs. I squirt him with water if he wont leave her alone but know I need to let th sort hierarchy. How long at this stage do they need to be on neutral ground. Can they go back in their old hutches but joined up together or use just one. So worried I will do something wrong and ruin thw progress made. Xxxxhelp please:dunno:
Slept with them last night to make sure of no fights. If I separate them at night will it spoil the bonding process. Need some help please xx
For my two I used a large wire dog crate and divided it in half during the night they slept in this so they could see each other but couldnt touch.During the day I let them roam free and was the squirt bottle queen Cookie got to where all I had to do was move my hand and she would stop her bad behavior.It took 3 days for the circling behavior to stop and they settled to co-exist in neutral territory and even longer for them to share a cage together every bunny is different.
Ended up having to separate them as it was just twirling and nipping constantly. I could see the girl was getting really distressed. I think the room they werein is too big. So scared of one getting hurt. Am going to put them back in their cages and rethink. Not sure I have the courage or knowledge to know how far to let them go x :help
Are both your rabbits spayed/neutered? If not, I would get that done first before trying to bond again.

Hi yes both done four months ago so that should not be a problem. . Fc for next attempt. I might try it a bit slower this time . Little and often see how that goes xx

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