Horrible, Horrible Night

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Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2009
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Pasadena, California, USA
I'm sitting here in tears right now and just really need to sort of vent.

Tonight my wife was going to be home later than usual. She said she'd be home at 7 from her study group, so I waited to fix dinner and had it ready a bit before 7. 7 rolls around and she's not home. 7:30, she's not home still, so I call her. No answer. I call again and againfor the next thirty minutes, and no answer still. So I pack up the kid in the car and drive down the route I know she'd take home, in case the car had broken down. It's an older-ish car, and it's happened before. I knew she'd had to have taken a detour that included a gravel road because they are fixing a bridge on the normal road she would take.

I spotted her car's tail lights in the tree line about 20 minutes from our house. I pulled over thinking "Well it's weird she'd pull off like this..." and did a U turn and pulled up on that side of the road. I tell my son to stay in the car, and I get out to go see if she'sin the car or ifsomeonepicked her up, which wouldn't be uncommon on this area.The closer I get, the more I start to feel panicked. The car was IN the trees. Like IN them. She had smashed into a few of them, not overly big trees but big enough to do a crap ton of damage to the car. So I'm seeing this first, and I just start screaming... She was still in the car. I wasn't thinking and I opened the door, and she was just there, slumped over the wheel,unconcious. I knew I shouldn't touch her butI shook her shoulder and she didn't wake up, she didn't even respond. I knew she was breathing and her pulse didn't feel weak or even too fast. After wigging for a few more seconds I ran back to my car and grabbed my phone and called the sheriff's phone (very small community) and then he called dispatch or whatever and they were all there within ten minutes. That was the longest wait of my life! I have never, never been so scared. She was so still and quiet... My full of life, vibrant wife still as death. And then my son was there, and he knew something was wrong even though I wouldn't let him get out of the car. We did end up riding in the sheriff's car to the hospital, following the ambulance, and I told him then what was going on but in simple terms... I don't know what I was thinking bringing him with me to go see if I could find her. But I didn't know I'd find her like that! I thought she'd just be stranded or waiting at the gas station in town or something. Never this!

By the time we got to the hospital, she had woken up, thank god... She was groggy and couldn't remember exactly what had happened, and she kept asking where she was even after they told her. They did a CT and her scans looked okay, but she has a concussion and they wanted to keep her over night just in case, and do another CT in the morning and check for any bleeding that may appear... Hopefully there is none and it's just a concussion, and she can come home. She has a lot of bruising, andshe fractured her collarbone. She was NOT wearing her seatbelt.I swear if anything more serious would have happened I'd have died. She is my world... I could barely control myself as it was, and she was up and talking to me. I've never been more happy in my life to hear that woman talk!

When everything was more calm, my son and I left. I didn't have anyone to call to keep him, and they wouldn't let both of us stay. He is completely out of sorts. I talked to him on the way home and he was very quiet. He is semi-used to hospitals, but as you can imagine this was very different... And I wasn't helping anything at all I know. I tried to tell him that she would be fine and that she'd be home tomorrow, and he was just like "Okay...". Not really saying much. When we got home I put him to bed and he came in my room a little later and asked if he could sleep in our bed. I normally wouldn't, but... So he's in bed with me, cuddling with me and the dog (who is NEVER allowed on the bed, ever) and staying up way too late watching TV. Poor guy is probably as traumatized as me if not more so. :(

Ugh. I just can't wait until it's tomorrow and I can bring her home... I have never been more terrifed in my entire life. Everyone needs to go hug the people they love and care for.
Wow, that's so scary! I really hope she turns out to be fine tomorrow and can come home. I hope you and your son start feeling better too. Please keep us updated!
I'm feeling less shock-y about the whole thing, but still... Not that long ago she was fine and everything was normal. I know she's a tough girl... But this is just so much, on top of everything else we have going on here... Why doesn't Karma or whatever pick on someone else?

Tanner was watching his movie and he turns to me and he goes "She hurt her head right?" and I tell him yes and he says "So she's going to have to wear a helmet?" I had to laugh at that. I have no clue where he gets some of this. I told him no, for the record. Goober.
how awful, I'm sooooo glad that she is ok, I will be thinking of you today and hoping that all goes fine :hug2:
It's a good thing you found her! I hope her recovery goes quickly. {{{HUGS}}}
Oh my god. Thank god she is ok. Hugs to you all
Thank GOD you found her! Karma was on your side for that! Hugs to you all...:hug: I'll keep you in my prayers. I hope she makes a swift recovery. (UGH! A broken Collar bone is painful! I hope she can stay comfortable.) Please let us know how she is when you have time.
oh man i hope she gets home and recovered quick, good thing you did go and found her. Hugs to you guys
Wow, so sorry to hear about that!

That is really scary - I know when my husband is more than an 45mins late from work I start to get nervous.

Ohmygosh.. reading that story I was dreading the ending... I hope she recovers quickly and everything goes back to normal

Cait, I was almost in tears myself, reading this. I am so glad you found her. Please keep us updated on how she is doing. I hope she has a speedy recovery.
Yikes! That's scary! I hope she is home soon and makes a speedy recovery x
I"m sorry sorry this happened. Good thing you went out and found her when you did. I hope she gets better soon.
Becca wrote:
Ohmygosh.. reading that story I was dreading the ending... I hope she recovers quickly and everything goes back to normal

I'm sorry Cait. I'm happy you found her. Hope she comes home tonight so you can lecture her on the seat-belt.

I hope she recovers quickly and back to calling you on your break.

No I really do hope everything gets back to normal quickly how is yourson handling this

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