Hooray for Craisins

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Jan 5, 2008
Reaction score
Fargo, North Dakota, USA
I've been sitting in Fable's space holding Craisins for a few days. It's been three weeks since I got her and she's still on the fence about me. She will explore and eat hay and look comfortable, but when I start moving she's off to a hiding spot - although she isn't frantic about it anymore, more like a hop or two as if she's saying, "One more false move and I'm going to stomp and hide."

I've given her a couple of craisins while she was in her cage, so I know she likes them. This morning she came up to me and took the craisin from my hand! I think we're making progress. I'm pretty sure she wants to get to know me because when I walk by her enclousure I can look back and see that she came out and is near the edge of her pen, sort of looking where I went. I think it will just take more time.

So I'll keep Craisins nearby and hope she comes up to me more. I hope she'll let me pet her sometime. And I'd be thrilled if she flopped next to me while I read! But we'll start with baby steps.
That is great, keep giving her time and space. She seems to be coming around slightly and with more time i think she will get more comfortable with you. Arent craisins the best.

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