Homemade Rabbit Cage Ideas?

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Well-Known Member
May 18, 2012
Reaction score
Lehigh, Florida, USA
Other than the simple C&C cages. What are some other cheap homemade cage ideas. Pictures would be great! Even if they are of C&C cages. I Just need ideas!:big wink:
My old cage- 2x4 base with green fencing around, linoleum floor, and a ply wood house/upper level

My new cages (you can ignore the mess my flop made with her phone book) both made from wire fencing, thick gage relatively small holes. They have carpet flooring except for the letterbox area where waste falls through to a metal pan with paper underneath.

Litterbox* sorry spelling error. It's the grated area with no carpet, most easily seen in the phone book picture. I gave her th phone book, left the room, came back 30 min later to that beautiful mess. Boy does she love them!

The pink cage I got for free from a garage sale, no clue where is came from before that. It wouldn't be too difficult to construct, it's built the same as the green one I made myself, it just has a top and a door. I usually leave the top open so I can pet my bunnies easily :) I can post the link I used to make them.
I bought the wire from orchard supply and hardware (osh). The one near me sells it by foot in varying heights. For the bottom I used 1/2"x1" 14 gauge then the sides are 1"x2" 16 gauge. For a 4'x3' cage the total was $30 I think (including the j clips to connect the wire). Pretty good deal considering how much one that size was to buy premade and it didn't take too long to make. I'm a huge DIY person so I enjoy making thing my pets enjoy!
No never, which is odd seeing as how it was not even a foot to jump over and they all easily could have made it. My guess is because they were only in there at night and the three of them were bonded together happily so they had no reason to leave.

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